
The deriva-annotation-validate is a command-line utility for validating the structure and contents of schema annotations in an ERMrest catalog.


  • Validate annotations against the specifications defined by DERIVA for known schema annotations.
  • Validate annotations against the catalog model; to ensure that column names, key names, etc. exist within the correct model object for usage in an annotation.
  • Validation can target specific schemas, tables, keys, and foreign keys by regular expression pattern matching.
  • The process does not alter the contents of the catalog in any way.


The following annotation is not yet supported:

  •,2019:chaise-config: any JSON object will be considered valid, for this annotation, at this time.

Command-Line options

usage: deriva-annotation-validate [-h] [--version] [--quiet] [--debug]
                                  [--credential-file <file>]
                                  [--token <auth-token> | --oauth2-token <oauth2-token>]
                                  [-s <schema>] [-t <table>] [-k <key>]
                                  [-f <foreign_key>] [-a <tag>]
                                  <host> <catalog>

DERIVA command-line interface for validating annotations.

positional arguments:
  <host>                Fully qualified host name.
  <catalog>             Catalog identifier.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             Print version and exit.
  --quiet               Suppress logging output.
  --debug               Enable debug logging output.
  --credential-file <file>
                        Optional path to a credential file.
  --token <auth-token>  Authorization bearer token.
  --oauth2-token <oauth2-token>
                        OAuth2 bearer token.
  -s <schema>, --schema <schema>
                        Regular expression pattern for schema name
  -t <table>, --table <table>
                        Regular expression pattern for table name
  -k <key>, --key <key>
                        Regular expression pattern for key constraint name
  -f <foreign_key>, --foreign-key <foreign_key>
                        Regular expression pattern for foreign key constraint
  -a <tag>, --tag <tag>
                        Tag name of annotation
  --skip-model-names    Skip validation of model names found inside of

Known tag names include:,2015:display,,2016:table-alternatives,,2016:column-

Positional arguments:


The hostname of the ERMrest catalog service.


The catalog name/number of the ERMrest catalog on which validation will be performed.

Optional arguments:


The CLI accepts an authentication token with the --token TOKEN option. If this option is not given, it will look in the user home dir where the DERIVA-Auth client would store the credentials.


An OAuth2 bearer token. This argument is mutually exclusive to the --token option.


If --token or --oauth2-token is not specified, the program will look in the user home dir where the DERIVA-Auth client would store the credentials. Use the --credential file argument to override this behavior and specify an alternative credential file.

--schema <schema> (default: .*)

A regular expression search pattern for matching against schema names. The default .* will match all schemas in the catalog.

For example:

--schema ^isa$|^vocab$|^extra.*

This will match on schemas named isa, vocab, or any schema that starts with extra.

--table <table> (default: .*)

A regular expression search pattern for matching against table names. The default .* will match all tables in the schema.

For example:

--table status

This will match on tables that have status anywhere in their name such as dataset_status or status.

--key <key> (default: .*)

A regular expression search pattern for matching against key names. The default .* will match all keys in the table.

For example:

--key $PK

This will match on keys that start with PK in the constraint name.

--foreign-key <foreign_key> (default: .*)

A regular expression search pattern for matching against foreign key names. The default .* will match all foreign keys in the table.

For example:

--foreign-key fkey$

This will match on foreign keys that end with fkey in the constraint name.

--tag <tag> (default: None)

An annotation tag name. If this option is used, only the specified annotation tag name will be evaluated. If this option is not used, all annotations present will be evaluated. Note that this is an exact match not a regular expression match.

For example:


This will evaluate only the,2016:visible-columns annotations found throughout the catalog.

Notes on regular expression pattern options

  • Matching is performed hierarchically such that tables are only matched if the containing schema matched, and keys or foreign-keys are matched on if the containing table matched.

--skip-model-names (default: False)

If this flag is set, the utility will skip validation of model names found inside of annotations. For example, it will not validate that the column names, foreign key names, etc. used in visible-columns and other annotations are valid per the catalog schema.


The simplest usage example will check all known annotations on all model objects. For best results, you should run the tool when logged in with owner rights on a catalog. Otherwise, the model name validation may not be accurate, if you are unable to enumerate the entire catalog schema. To ignore model name errors, use the --skip-model-names flag.

$ deriva-annotation-validate HOSTNAME CATALOG

Where HOSTNAME is a host name such as and CATALOG is a catalog identifier such as 1.

To validate only within a single schema named foo.

$ deriva-annotation-validate HOSTNAME CATALOG -s '^foo$'

To validate any table that has the word bar in it within the schema foo.

$ deriva-annotation-validate HOSTNAME CATALOG -s '^foo$' -t 'bar'

Note that the above patterns will also validate annotations on the columns, keys, and foreign keys of any matching table.

To validate only the tables with bar in the name.

$ deriva-annotation-validate HOSTNAME CATALOG -s '^foo$' -t 'bar' -c '^$' -k '^$' -f '^$'

The patterns ^$ will match empty strings and therefore will not match any model objects by name, since they cannot have empty strings as names.

To validate only the,2016:visible-columns annotation on any model object.

$ deriva-annotation-validate HOSTNAME CATALOG -a,2016:visible-columns

The above command can be combined with other examples above to validate a subset of model objects against only a single annotation schema.