
The deriva-backup-cli is a command-line utility for orchestrating the backup of schema and tabular data from ERMRest catalogs and file assets from Hatrac object stores to a local directory either as a bag archive or plain directory.


  • Backup schema, tabular data and file assets to Deriva catalogs to a bag or plain directory on a mounted filesystem.
  • File assets stored in bags can be stored as remote file references in the bag’s fetch.txt file (aka a “holey bag”).

NOTE: Automatic file asset backup is not currently implemented.

Command-Line options

usage: [-h] [--version] [--quiet] [--debug]
                   [--credential-file <file>]
                   [--token <auth-token> | --oauth2-token <oauth2-token>]
                   [--config-file <config file>] [--catalog <1>]
                   [--no-data | --no-schema]
                   [--no-bag | --include-assets {full,references}]
                   [--bag-archiver {zip,tgz,bz2}]
                   [--exclude-data <schema>, <schema:table>, ...]
                   <host> <output dir> ...

Deriva Catalog Backup Utility - CLI

positional arguments:
  <host>                Fully qualified host name.
  <output dir>          Path to an output directory.
  [key=value key=value ...]
                        Variable length of whitespace-delimited key=value pair
                        arguments used for string interpolation in specific
                        parts of the configuration file. For example:
                        key1=value1 key2=value2

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             Print version and exit.
  --quiet               Suppress logging output.
  --debug               Enable debug logging output.
  --credential-file <file>
                        Optional path to a credential file.
  --token <auth-token>  Authorization bearer token.
  --oauth2-token <oauth2-token>
                        OAuth2 bearer token.
  --config-file <config file>
                        Path to a configuration file.
  --catalog <1>         Catalog number. Default: 1
  --no-data             Do not export data, export schema only.
  --no-schema           Do not export schema, export data only.
  --no-bag              Do not store the output in a bag container.
  --include-assets {full,references}
                        Include related file assets in output bag. Use "full"
                        to download related assets to the output bag. Use
                        "references" to store references to asset files in the
                        bag's "fetch.txt" file.
  --bag-archiver {zip,tgz,bz2}
                        Format for compressed bag output.
  --exclude-data <schema>, <schema:table>, ...
                        List of comma-delimited schema-name and/or schema-
                        name/table-name to exclude from data export, in the
                        form <schema> or <schema:table>.

Positional arguments:


All backup functions are performed with respect to a specific host and most hosts will require authentication.

<input path>

A path to an output directory is required. This can be an absolute path or a path relative to the current working directory.

Optional arguments:


The CLI accepts an authentication token with the --token TOKEN option. If this option is not given, it will look in the user home dir where the DERIVA-Auth client would store the credentials.


An OAuth2 bearer token. This argument is mutually exclusive to the --token option.


If --token or --oauth2-token is not specified, the program will look in the user home dir where the DERIVA-Auth client would store the credentials. Use the --credential file argument to override this behavior and specify an alternative credential file.


The catalog number (or path specifier). Defaults to 1.


Do not export data, export schema only.


Do not export schema, export data only.


Do not store the output in a bag container.

--bag-archiver {zip,tgz,bz2}

Compression format for output bag archive.

--include-assets {full,references}

Include related file assets in output bag. Use full to download related assets to the output bag. Use references to store references to asset files in the bag’s fetch.txt file.

--exclude-data <schema>, <schema:table>, ...

List of comma-delimited schema-name and/or schema-name/table-name to exclude from data export, in the form schema or schema:table.

For example:

--exclude data public,demo:samples