Source code for deriva.utils.catalog.manage.dump_catalog

from __future__ import print_function

from urllib.parse import urlparse

import ast
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
import traceback
import requests

from requests.exceptions import HTTPError

from deriva.core import format_exception
from deriva.core.utils import eprint
from deriva.core.base_cli import BaseCLI

from yapf.yapflib.yapf_api import FormatCode

from deriva.core import get_credential, AttrDict, ErmrestCatalog

from deriva.core import tag as chaise_tags
from deriva.utils.catalog.manage.deriva_file_templates import table_file_template, schema_file_template, \

from deriva.utils.catalog.version import __version__ as VERSION
from deriva.utils.catalog.manage.graph_catalog import DerivaCatalogToGraph

IS_PY2 = (sys.version_info[0] == 2)
IS_PY3 = (sys.version_info[0] == 3)

from urllib.parse import urlparse

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

yapf_style = {
    'based_on_style': 'pep8',
    'allow_split_before_dict_value': False,
    'split_before_first_argument': False,
    'disable_ending_comma_heuristic': True,
    'column_limit': 100

[docs]class DerivaDumpCatalogException (Exception): """Base exception class for DerivaDumpCatalog. """ def __init__(self, message): """Initializes the exception. """ super(DerivaDumpCatalogException, self).__init__(message)
[docs]class UsageException (DerivaDumpCatalogException): """Usage exception. """ def __init__(self, message): """Initializes the exception. """ super(UsageException, self).__init__(message)
[docs]class DerivaCatalogToString: def __init__(self, catalog, provide_system_columns=True, groups=None): self._model = catalog.getCatalogModel() = urlparse(catalog.get_server_uri()).hostname self.catalog_id = self._model.catalog.catalog_id self._provide_system_columns = provide_system_columns # Get the currently known groups for this catalog. self._groups = groups if groups is None: try: self._groups = AttrDict( {e['Display_Name']: e['ID'] for e in self._model.catalog.getPathBuilder().public.ERMrest_Group.entities()} ) except AttributeError: logger.warning('Cannot access ERMrest_Group table. Check ACLs') self._groups = AttrDict() self._referenced_groups = {} self._variables = self._groups.copy() self._variables.update(chaise_tags)
[docs] def substitute_variables(self, code): """ Factor out code and replace with a variable name. :param code: :return: new code """ for k, v in self._variables.items(): varsub = r"(['\"])+{}\1".format(v) if k in chaise_tags: repl = 'chaise_tags.{}'.format(k) elif k in self._groups: repl = 'groups[{!r}]'.format(k) if v in code: self._referenced_groups[k] = v else: repl = k code = re.sub(varsub, repl, code) return code
[docs] def variable_to_str(self, name, value, substitute=True): """ Print out a variable assignment on one line if empty, otherwise pretty print. :param name: Left hand side of assigment :param value: Right hand side of assignment :param substitute: If true, replace the group and tag values with their corresponding names :return: """ s = '{} = {!r}\n'.format(name, value) if substitute: s = self.substitute_variables(s) return s
[docs] def tag_variables_to_str(self, annotations): """ For each convenient annotation name in tag_map, print out a variable declaration of the form annotation = v where v is the value of the annotation the dictionary. If the tag is not in the set of annotations, do nothing. :param annotations: :return: """ s = [] for t, v in chaise_tags.items(): if v in annotations: s.append(self.variable_to_str(t, annotations[v])) s.append('\n') return ''.join(s)
[docs] def annotations_to_str(self, annotations, var_name='annotations'): """ Print out the annotation definition in annotations, substituting the python variable for each of the tags specified in tag_map. :param annotations: :param var_name: :return: """ var_map = {v: k for k, v in self._variables.items()} if annotations == {}: s = '{} = {{}}\n'.format(var_name) else: s = '{} = {{'.format(var_name) for t, v in annotations.items(): if t in var_map: # Use variable value rather then inline annotation value. s += self.substitute_variables('{!r}:{},'.format(t, var_map[t])) else: s += "'{}' : {!r},".format(t, v) s += '}\n' return s
[docs] def schema_to_str(self, schema_name): schema = self._model.schemas[schema_name] annotations = self.variable_to_str('annotations', schema.annotations) acls = self.variable_to_str('acls', schema.acls) comments = self.variable_to_str('comment', schema.comment) groups = self.variable_to_str('groups', self._referenced_groups, substitute=False) s = schema_file_template.format(, catalog_id=self.catalog_id, schema_name=schema_name, annotations=annotations, acls=acls, comments=comments, groups=groups, table_names='table_names = [\n{}]\n'.format( str.join('', ['{!r},\n'.format(i) for i in schema.tables]))) s = FormatCode(s, style_config=yapf_style)[0] return s
[docs] def catalog_to_str(self): tag_variables = self.tag_variables_to_str(self._model.annotations) annotations = self.annotations_to_str(self._model.annotations) acls = self.variable_to_str('acls', self._model.acls) groups = self.variable_to_str('groups', self._referenced_groups, substitute=False) s = catalog_file_template.format(, catalog_id=self.catalog_id, groups=groups, tag_variables=tag_variables, annotations=annotations, acls=acls) s = FormatCode(s, style_config=yapf_style)[0] return s
[docs] def table_annotations_to_str(self, table): s = ''.join([self.tag_variables_to_str(table.annotations), '\n', self.annotations_to_str(table.annotations, var_name='table_annotations'), '\n', self.variable_to_str('table_comment', table.comment), '\n', self.variable_to_str('table_acls', table.acls), '\n', self.variable_to_str('table_acl_bindings', table.acl_bindings)]) return s
[docs] def column_annotations_to_str(self, table): column_annotations = {} column_acls = {} column_acl_bindings = {} column_comment = {} for i in table.column_definitions: if not (i.annotations == '' or not i.comment): column_annotations[] = i.annotations if not (i.comment == '' or not i.comment): column_comment[] = i.comment if i.annotations != {}: column_annotations[] = i.annotations if i.acls != {}: column_acls[] = i.acls if i.acl_bindings != {}: column_acl_bindings[] = i.acl_bindings s = self.variable_to_str('column_annotations', column_annotations) + '\n' s += self.variable_to_str('column_comment', column_comment) + '\n' s += self.variable_to_str('column_acls', column_acls) + '\n' s += self.variable_to_str('column_acl_bindings', column_acl_bindings) + '\n' return s
[docs] def foreign_key_defs_to_str(self, table): s = 'fkey_defs = [\n' for fkey in table.foreign_keys: s += """ em.ForeignKey.define({}, '{}', '{}', {}, constraint_names={},\n""".format([ for c in fkey.foreign_key_columns],,, [ for c in fkey.referenced_columns], fkey.names) for i in ['annotations', 'acls', 'acl_bindings', 'on_update', 'on_delete', 'comment']: a = getattr(fkey, i) if not (a == {} or a is None or a == 'NO ACTION' or a == ''): v = "'" + a + "'" if re.match('comment|on_update|on_delete', i) else a s += " {}={},\n".format(i, v) s += ' ),\n' s += ']' s = self.substitute_variables(s) return s
[docs] def key_defs_to_str(self, table): s = 'key_defs = [\n' for key in table.keys: s += """ em.Key.define({}, constraint_names={},\n""".format([ for c in key.unique_columns], key.names if else []) for i in ['annotations', 'comment']: a = getattr(key, i) if not (a == {} or a is None or a == ''): v = "'" + a + "'" if i == 'comment' else a s += " {} = {},\n".format(i, v) s += '),\n' s += ']' s = self.substitute_variables(s) return s
[docs] def column_defs_to_str(self, table): system_columns = ['RID', 'RCB', 'RMB', 'RCT', 'RMT'] s = ['column_defs = ['] for col in table.column_definitions: if in system_columns and self._provide_system_columns: continue s.append(''' em.Column.define('{}', em.builtin_types['{}'],'''. format(, col.type.typename + '[]' if 'is_array' is True else col.type.typename)) if col.nullok is False: s.append("nullok=False,") if col.default and not in system_columns: s.append("default={!r},".format(col.default)) for i in ['annotations', 'acls', 'acl_bindings', 'comment']: colvar = getattr(col, i) if colvar: # if we have a value for this field.... s.append("{}=column_{}['{}'],".format(i, i, s.append('),\n') s.append(']') return ''.join(s)
[docs] def table_def_to_str(self): s = """table_def = em.Table.define(table_name, column_defs=column_defs, key_defs=key_defs, fkey_defs=fkey_defs, annotations=table_annotations, acls=table_acls, acl_bindings=table_acl_bindings, comment=table_comment, provide_system = {} )""".format(self._provide_system_columns) return s
[docs] def table_to_str(self, schema_name, table_name): logger.debug('%s %s %s', schema_name, table_name, [i for i in self._model.schemas]) table = self._model.schemas[schema_name].tables[table_name] column_annotations = self.column_annotations_to_str(table) column_defs = self.column_defs_to_str(table) table_annotations = self.table_annotations_to_str(table) key_defs = self.key_defs_to_str(table) fkey_defs = self.foreign_key_defs_to_str(table) table_def = self.table_def_to_str() groups = self.variable_to_str('groups', self._referenced_groups, substitute=False) s = table_file_template.format(, catalog_id=self.catalog_id, table_name=table_name, schema_name=schema_name, groups=groups, column_annotations=column_annotations, column_defs=column_defs, table_annotations=table_annotations, key_defs=key_defs, fkey_defs=fkey_defs, table_def=table_def) s = FormatCode(s, style_config=yapf_style)[0] return s
[docs]class DerivaDumpCatalogCLI (BaseCLI): def __init__(self, description, epilog): super(DerivaDumpCatalogCLI, self).__init__(description, epilog, VERSION, hostname_required=True) def python_value(s): try: val = ast.literal_eval(s) except ValueError: val = s return val self.dumpdir = '' = None self.catalog_id = 1 self.graph_format = None self.catalog = None # parent arg parser parser = self.parser parser.add_argument('--catalog', '--catalog-id', metavar='CATALOG-NUMBER', default=1, help='ID number of desired catalog') parser.add_argument('--dir', default="catalog-configs", help='output directory name') group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument('--table', default=None, help='Only dump out the spec for the specified table. Format is ' 'schema_name:table_name') parser.add_argument('--schemas', nargs='*', default=[], help='Only dump out the spec for the specified schemas.') parser.add_argument('--skip-schemas', nargs='*', default=[], help='List of schema so skip over') group.add_argument('--graph', action='store_true', help='Dump graph of catalog') parser.add_argument('--graph-format', choices=['pdf', 'dot', 'png', 'svg'], default='pdf', help='Format to use for graph dump') @staticmethod def _get_credential(host_name, token=None): if token: return {"cookie": "webauthn={t}".format(t=token)} else: return get_credential(host_name) def _dump_table(self, schema_name, table_name, stringer=None, dumpdir='.'):"Dumping out table def: {}:{}".format(schema_name,table_name)) if not stringer: stringer = DerivaCatalogToString(self.catalog) table_string = stringer.table_to_str(schema_name, table_name) filename= dumpdir + '/' + table_name + '.py' os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(table_string.encode("utf-8")) def _dump_catalog(self): stringer = DerivaCatalogToString(self.catalog) catalog_string = stringer.catalog_to_str() with open('{}/{}_{}.py'.format(self.dumpdir,, self.catalog_id), 'wb') as f: f.write(catalog_string.encode("utf-8")) for schema_name in self.schemas:"Dumping schema def for {}....".format(schema_name)) schema_string = stringer.schema_to_str(schema_name) with open('{}/{}'.format(self.dumpdir, schema_name), 'wb') as f: f.write(schema_string.encode("utf-8")) for schema_name, schema in self.model.schemas.items(): if schema_name in self.schemas: for table_name in schema.tables: self._dump_table(schema_name, table_name, stringer=stringer, dumpdir='{}/{}'.format(self.dumpdir, schema_name)) def _graph_catalog(self): graph = DerivaCatalogToGraph(self.catalog) graphfile = '{}_{}'.format(, self.catalog_id) graph.catalog_to_graph(schemas=[s for s in self.schemas if s not in ['_acl_admin', 'public', 'WWW']], skip_terms=True, skip_association_tables=True), format=self.graph_format)
[docs] def main(self): args = self.parse_cli() self.dumpdir = args.dir = self.catalog_id = args.catalog self.graph_format = args.graph_format if is None: eprint('Host name must be provided') return 1 self.catalog = ErmrestCatalog('https',, self.catalog_id, credentials=self._get_credential( self.model = self.catalog.getCatalogModel() self.schemas = [s for s in (args.schemas if args.schemas else self.model.schemas) if s not in args.skip_schemas ] try: os.makedirs(self.dumpdir, exist_ok=True) except OSError as e: sys.stderr.write(str(e)) return 1'Catalog has {} schema and {} tables'.format(len(self.model.schemas), sum([len(v.tables) for k, v in self.model.schemas.items()])))'\n'.join([' {} has {} tables'.format(k, len(s.tables)) for k, s in self.model.schemas.items()])) try: if args.table: if ':' not in args.table: raise DerivaDumpCatalogException('Table name must be in form of schema:table') [schema_name, table_name] = args.table.split(":") self._dump_table(schema_name, table_name) elif args.graph: self._graph_catalog() else: self._dump_catalog() except DerivaDumpCatalogException as e: print(e) except HTTPError as e: if e.response.status_code == msg = 'Authentication required for {}'.format(args.server) elif e.response.status_code == msg = 'Permission denied' else: msg = e logging.debug(format_exception(e)) eprint(msg) except RuntimeError as e: sys.stderr.write(str(e)) return 1 except: traceback.print_exc() return 1 finally: sys.stderr.write("\n\n") return
[docs]def main(): DESC = "DERIVA Dump Catalog Command-Line Interface" INFO = "For more information see:" return DerivaDumpCatalogCLI(DESC, INFO).main()
if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())