Source code for deriva.transfer.restore.deriva_restore_cli

import os
import sys
import json
import traceback
import argparse
import requests
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError, ConnectionError
from deriva.core import BaseCLI, KeyValuePairArgs, format_credential, format_exception, urlparse
from deriva.transfer import DerivaRestore, DerivaRestoreError, DerivaRestoreConfigurationError, \
    DerivaRestoreAuthenticationError, DerivaRestoreAuthorizationError

[docs]class DerivaRestoreCLI(BaseCLI): def __init__(self, description, epilog, **kwargs): BaseCLI.__init__(self, description, epilog, **kwargs) self.parser.add_argument("--catalog", metavar="<1>", help="Catalog number. If a catalog number is not " "specified, a new catalog will be created.") self.parser.add_argument("input_path", metavar="<input_path>", help="Path to backup file or directory.") mutex_group = self.parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() mutex_group.add_argument("--no-data", action="store_true", help="Do not restore table data, restore schema only.") mutex_group.add_argument("--no-schema", action="store_true", help="Do not restore schema, restore data only.") self.parser.add_argument("--no-assets", action="store_true", help="Do not restore asset data, if present.") self.parser.add_argument("--no-annotations", action="store_true", help="Do not restore annotations.") self.parser.add_argument("--no-policy", action="store_true", help="Do not restore access policy and ACLs.") self.parser.add_argument("--no-bag-materialize", action="store_true", help="If the input format is a bag, do not materialize prior to restore.") self.parser.add_argument("--weak-bag-validation", action="store_true", help="If the input format is a bag, " "do not abort the restore if the bag fails validation.") self.parser.add_argument("--exclude-object", type=lambda s: [item.strip() for item in s.split(',')], metavar="<schema>, <schema:table>, ...", help="List of comma-delimited schema-name and/or schema-name/table-name to " "exclude from the restore process, in the form <schema> or <schema:table>.") self.parser.add_argument("--exclude-data", type=lambda s: [item.strip() for item in s.split(',')], metavar="<schema>, <schema:table>, ...", help="List of comma-delimited schema-name and/or schema-name/table-name to " "exclude from the restore process, in the form <schema> or <schema:table>.") self.parser.add_argument("envars", metavar="[key=value key=value ...]", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, action=KeyValuePairArgs, default={}, help="Variable length of whitespace-delimited key=value pair arguments used for " "populating the processing environment with parameters for keyword substitution." "For example: key1=value1 key2=value2")
[docs] def main(self): try: args = self.parse_cli() except ValueError as e: sys.stderr.write(str(e)) return 2 if not args.quiet: sys.stderr.write("\n") try: assert, "A hostname is required!" server = dict() server["catalog_id"] = args.catalog if"http"): url = urlparse( server["protocol"] = url.scheme server["host"] = url.netloc else: server["protocol"] = "https" server["host"] = restorer = DerivaRestore(server, **vars(args), dcctx_cid="cli/" + self.__class__.__name__) try: restorer.restore() except ConnectionError as e: raise DerivaRestoreError("Connection error occurred. %s" % format_exception(e)) except HTTPError as e: if e.response.status_code == raise DerivaRestoreAuthenticationError( "The requested service requires authentication and a valid login session could " "not be found for the specified host. Server responded: %s" % e) elif e.response.status_code == raise DerivaRestoreAuthorizationError( "A requested operation was forbidden. Server responded: %s" % e) raise DerivaRestoreError(format_exception(e)) except (DerivaRestoreError, DerivaRestoreConfigurationError, DerivaRestoreAuthenticationError, DerivaRestoreAuthorizationError) as e: sys.stderr.write(("\n" if not args.quiet else "") + format_exception(e)) if args.debug: traceback.print_exc() return 1 except: sys.stderr.write("An unexpected error occurred.") traceback.print_exc() return 1 finally: if not args.quiet: sys.stderr.write("\n\n") return 0