Source code for

import os
import json
import uuid
import logging
import requests
from bdbag import bdbag_ro as ro
from deriva.core import format_exception
from deriva.core.utils.hash_utils import decodeBase64toHex
from deriva.core.utils.mime_utils import parse_content_disposition
from import BaseQueryProcessor, LOCAL_PATH_KEY
from import DerivaDownloadError, DerivaDownloadConfigurationError

[docs]class BagFetchQueryProcessor(BaseQueryProcessor): def __init__(self, envars=None, **kwargs): super(BagFetchQueryProcessor, self).__init__(envars, **kwargs) self.content_type = "application/x-json-stream" filename = ''.join(['fetch-manifest_', str(uuid.uuid4()), ".json"]) self.output_relpath, self.output_abspath = self.create_paths(self.base_path, filename=filename) self.ro_file_provenance = False
[docs] def process(self): super(BagFetchQueryProcessor, self).process() rfm_relpath, rfm_abspath = self.createRemoteFileManifest() if rfm_relpath and rfm_abspath: self.outputs.update({rfm_relpath: {LOCAL_PATH_KEY: rfm_abspath}} if not self.is_bag else {}) return self.outputs
[docs] def createRemoteFileManifest(self):"Creating remote file manifest from results of query: %s" % self.query) input_manifest = self.output_abspath remote_file_manifest = self.kwargs.get("remote_file_manifest") if not os.path.isfile(input_manifest): return None, None with open(input_manifest, "r", encoding="utf-8") as in_file, \ open(remote_file_manifest, "a", encoding="utf-8") as remote_file: for line in in_file: # get the required bdbag remote file manifest vars from each line of the json-stream input file entry = json.loads(line) entry = self.createManifestEntry(entry) if not entry: continue remote_file.write(json.dumps(entry) + "\n") if self.ro_manifest: ro.add_file_metadata(self.ro_manifest, source_url=entry["url"], media_type=entry.get("content_type"), bundled_as=ro.make_bundled_as( folder=os.path.dirname(entry["filename"]), filename=os.path.basename(entry["filename"]))) os.remove(input_manifest) return os.path.relpath(remote_file_manifest, self.base_path), os.path.abspath(remote_file_manifest)
[docs] def createManifestEntry(self, entry): manifest_entry = dict() url = entry.get("url") if not url: logging.warning( "Skipping a record due to missing required attribute \"url\" in fetch manifest entry %s" % json.dumps(entry)) return ext_url = self.getExternalUrl(url) length = entry.get("length") md5 = entry.get("md5") sha256 = entry.get("sha256") filename = entry.get("filename") if not self.output_filename else self.output_filename content_type = entry.get("content_type") content_disposition = None # if any required fields are missing from the query result, attempt to get them from the remote server by # issuing a HEAD request against the supplied URL if not (length and (md5 or sha256)): try: headers = self.headForHeaders(url, raise_for_status=True) except requests.HTTPError as e: raise DerivaDownloadError("Exception during HEAD request: %s" % format_exception(e)) length = headers.get("Content-Length") content_type = headers.get("Content-Type") content_disposition = headers.get("Content-Disposition") if not md5: md5 = headers.get("Content-MD5") if md5: md5 = decodeBase64toHex(md5) if not sha256: sha256 = headers.get("Content-SHA256") if sha256: sha256 = decodeBase64toHex(sha256) # if content length or both hash values are missing, it is a fatal error if length is None: raise DerivaDownloadError("Could not determine Content-Length for %s" % ext_url) if not (md5 or sha256): raise DerivaDownloadError("Could not locate an MD5 or SHA256 hash for %s" % ext_url) # if a local filename is not provided, try to construct one using content_disposition, if available if not filename: filename = os.path.basename(url).split(":")[0] if not content_disposition else \ parse_content_disposition(content_disposition) env = self.envars.copy() env.update(entry) output_path, _ = self.create_paths(self.base_path, sub_path=self.sub_path, filename=filename, is_bag=self.is_bag, envars=env) manifest_entry['url'] = ext_url manifest_entry['length'] = int(length) manifest_entry['filename'] = output_path if md5: manifest_entry['md5'] = md5 if sha256: manifest_entry['sha256'] = sha256 if content_type: manifest_entry["content_type"] = content_type return manifest_entry