Source code for deriva.core.ermrest_model

from collections import OrderedDict
import json
import re

from . import AttrDict, tag, urlquote, stob

[docs]class NoChange (object): """Special class used to distinguish no-change default arguments to methods. Values for no-change are distinct from all valid values for these arguments. """ pass
# singletone to use in APIs below nochange = NoChange()
[docs]def presence_annotation(tag_uri): """Decorator to establish property getter/setter/deleter for presence annotations. Usage example: @presence_annotation(tag.generated) def generated(self): pass The stub method will be discarded. """ def helper(ignore): docstr = "Convenience property for managing presence of annotation %s" % tag_uri def getter(self): return tag_uri in self.annotations def setter(self, present): if present: self.annotations[tag_uri] = None else: self.annotations.pop(tag_uri, None) def deleter(self): self.annotations.pop(tag_uri, None) return property(getter, setter, deleter, docstr) return helper
[docs]def object_annotation(tag_uri): """Decorator to establish property getter/setter/deleter for object annotations. Usage example: @presence_annotation(tag.display) def display(self): pass The stub method will be discarded. """ def helper(ignore): docstr = "Convenience property for managing content of object annotation %s" % tag_uri def getter(self): if tag_uri not in self.annotations: self.annotations[tag_uri] = AttrDict({}) return self.annotations[tag_uri] def setter(self, value): if not isinstance(value, (dict, AttrDict)): raise TypeError('Unexpected object type %s for annotation %s' % (type(value), tag_uri)) self.annotations[tag_uri] = AttrDict(value) def deleter(self): self.annotations.pop(tag_uri, None) return property(getter, setter, deleter, docstr) return helper
[docs]def equivalent(doc1, doc2, method=None): """Determine whether two dict/array/literal documents are structurally equivalent.""" # method is used to fill in defaults to avoid some false negatives if method == 'acls': if not isinstance(doc1, dict): return False def canon_acls(d): return { k: sorted(v) for k, v in d.items() } return equivalent(canon_acls(doc1), canon_acls(doc2)) if method == 'catalog_acls': if not isinstance(doc1, dict): return False def canon_cat_acls(d): return { k: d.get(k, []) for k in {'owner', 'read', 'write', 'insert', 'update', 'delete'} } return equivalent(canon_cat_acls(doc1), canon_cat_acls(doc2), method='acls') elif method == 'foreign_key_acls': return equivalent(doc1, doc2, method='acls') elif method == 'acl_bindings': if not isinstance(doc1, dict): return False def canon_acl_bindings(d): if not isinstance(d, dict): return d def helper(b): if not isinstance(b, dict): return b return { 'projection': b['projection'], 'projection_type': b.get('projection_type'), # we can't provide default w/o type inference! 'types': b['types'], 'scope_acl': b.get('scope_acl', ['*']), # this is a common omission... } return { binding_name: helper(binding) for binding_name, binding in d.items() } return equivalent(canon_acl_bindings(doc1), canon_acl_bindings(doc2)) elif isinstance(doc1, dict) and isinstance(doc2, dict): return equivalent(sorted(doc1.items()), sorted(doc2.items())) elif isinstance(doc1, (list, tuple)) and isinstance(doc2, (list, tuple)): if len(doc1) != len(doc2): return False for e1, e2 in zip(doc1, doc2): if not equivalent(e1, e2): return False return True return doc1 == doc2
[docs]class Model (object): """Top-level catalog model. """ def __init__(self, catalog, model_doc): self._catalog = catalog self._pseudo_fkeys = {} self.acls = AttrDict(model_doc.get('acls', {})) self.annotations = dict(model_doc.get('annotations', {})) self.schemas = { sname: Schema(self, sname, sdoc) for sname, sdoc in model_doc.get('schemas', {}).items() } self.digest_fkeys()
[docs] def prejson(self, prune=True): """Produce a representation of configuration as generic Python data structures""" return { "acls": self.acls, "annotations": self.annotations, "schemas": { sname: schema.prejson() for sname, schema in self.schemas.items() } }
[docs] def digest_fkeys(self): """Finish second-pass digestion of foreign key definitions using full model w/ all schemas and tables. """ for schema in self.schemas.values(): for referer in schema.tables.values(): for fkey in list(referer.foreign_keys): try: fkey.digest_referenced_columns(self) except KeyError: del referer.foreign_keys[]
@property def catalog(self): return self._catalog @property def uri_path(self): """URI to this model resource.""" return "/schema"
[docs] @classmethod def fromcatalog(cls, catalog): """Retrieve catalog config as a Model management object.""" return cls(catalog, catalog.get("/schema").json())
[docs] @classmethod def fromfile(cls, catalog, schema_file): """Deserialize a JSON schema file as a Model management object.""" with open(schema_file) as sf: schema = return cls(catalog, json.loads(schema, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict))
[docs] def clear(self, clear_comment=False, clear_annotations=True, clear_acls=True, clear_acl_bindings=True): """Clear all configuration in catalog and children. NOTE: as a backwards-compatible heuristic, comments are retained by default so that a typical configuration-management client does not strip useful documentation from existing models. """ if clear_annotations: self.annotations.clear() if clear_acls: self.acls.clear() for schema in self.schemas.values(): schema.clear(clear_comment=clear_comment, clear_annotations=clear_annotations, clear_acls=clear_acls, clear_acl_bindings=clear_acl_bindings)
[docs] def apply(self, existing=None): """Apply catalog configuration to catalog unless existing already matches. :param existing: An instance comparable to self. The configuration in self will be applied recursively to the corresponding model nodes in schema. If existing is not provided (default), the current whole configuration will be retrieved from the catalog and used automatically to determine whether the configuration goals under this Model tree are already met or need to be remotely applied. """ if existing is None: existing = self.fromcatalog(self.catalog) if not equivalent(self.annotations, existing.annotations): self.catalog.put('/annotation', json=self.annotations) if not equivalent(self.acls, existing.acls, method='catalog_acls'): self.catalog.put('/acl', json=self.acls) for sname, schema in self.schemas.items(): schema.apply(existing.schemas[sname])
[docs] def create_schema(self, schema_def): """Add a new schema to this model in the remote database based on schema_def. Returns a new Schema instance based on the server-supplied representation of the newly created schema. The returned Schema is also added to self.schemas. """ sname = schema_def['schema_name'] if sname in self.schemas: raise ValueError('Schema %s already exists.' % sname) r = self.uri_path, json=[schema_def], ) r.raise_for_status() d = r.json() assert len(d) == 1 newschema = Schema(self, sname, d[0]) self.schemas[sname] = newschema self.digest_fkeys() return newschema
[docs] def table(self, sname, tname): """Return table configuration for table with given name.""" return self.schemas[sname].tables[tname]
[docs] def column(self, sname, tname, cname): """Return column configuration for column with given name.""" return self.table(sname, tname).column_definitions[cname]
[docs] def fkey(self, constraint_name_pair): """Return configuration for foreign key with given name pair. Accepts (schema_name, constraint_name) pairs as found in many faceting annotations and (schema_obj, constraint_name) pairs as found in fields. """ sname, cname = constraint_name_pair if isinstance(sname, Schema): if self.schemas[] is sname: return sname._fkeys[cname] else: raise ValueError('schema object %s is not from same model tree' % (sname,)) elif sname is None or sname == '': return self._pseudo_fkeys[cname] else: return self.schemas[sname]._fkeys[cname]
@object_annotation(tag.bulk_upload) def bulk_upload(self): pass @object_annotation(tag.display) def display(self): pass @object_annotation(tag.chaise_config) def chaise_config(self): pass @object_annotation(tag.column_defaults) def column_defaults(self): pass @presence_annotation(tag.immutable) def immutable(self): pass @presence_annotation(tag.generated) def generated(self): pass @presence_annotation(tag.non_deletable) def non_deletable(self): pass @object_annotation(tag.export_2019) def export_2019(self): pass @object_annotation(tag.export_fragment_definitions) def export_fragment_definitions(self): pass
[docs] def configure_baseline_ermrest_client(self, apply=True): """Baseline configuration of `ERMrest_Client` table. Set up `ERMrest_Client` table so that it has readable names and uses the display name of the user as the row name. :param apply: if true, apply configuration changes before returning. """ ermrest_client = self.schemas['public'].tables['ERMrest_Client'] # Set table and row name. ermrest_client.annotations.update({ tag.display: {'name': 'Users'}, tag.visible_columns: {'compact': ['Full_Name', 'Display_Name', 'Email', 'ID']}, tag.table_display: {'row_name': {'row_markdown_pattern': '{{{Full_Name}}}'}} }) column_annotations = { 'RCT': {tag.display: {'name': 'Creation Time'}}, 'RMT': {tag.display: {'name': 'Modified Time'}}, 'RCB': {tag.display: {'name': 'Created By'}}, 'RMB': {tag.display: {'name': 'Modified By'}} } for k, v in column_annotations.items(): ermrest_client.columns[k].annotations.update(v) if apply: # Apply model changes self.apply()
[docs] def configure_baseline_ermrest_group(self, apply=True): """Baseline configuration of `ERMrest_Group` table. Set up `ERMrest_Group` table so that it has readable names and uses the display name of the group as the row name. :param apply: if true, apply configuration changes before returning. """ ermrest_group = self.schemas['public'].tables['ERMrest_Group'] # Set table and row name. ermrest_group.annotations.update({ tag.display: {'name': 'Groups'}, tag.visible_columns: {'compact': ['Display_Name', 'ID']}, tag.table_display: {'row_name': {'row_markdown_pattern': '{{{Display_Name}}}'}} }) column_annotations = { 'RCT': {tag.display: {'name': 'Creation Time'}}, 'RMT': {tag.display: {'name': 'Modified Time'}}, 'RCB': {tag.display: {'name': 'Created By'}}, 'RMB': {tag.display: {'name': 'Modified By'}} } for k, v in column_annotations.items(): ermrest_group.columns[k].annotations.update(v) if apply: # Apply model changes self.apply()
[docs] def configure_baseline_catalog(self, apply=True, **kwargs): """A baseline catalog configuration. Update catalog to a baseline configuration: 1. Set default display mode to turn underscores to spaces in model element names. 2. Configure `ERMrest_Client` and `ERMrest_Group` to have readable names. 3. Create a schema `WWW` with `Page` and `File` tables in that schema configured to display web-page like content. 4. Configure a basic navbar with links to all tables. Afterwards, an ACL configuration should be applied to the catalog. See the `deriva.config.examples` package data for configuration templates. :param apply: if true, apply configuration changes before returning. :param kwargs: a set of name-value pairs used to override default settings. """ # Configure baseline public schema if kwargs.get("publicSchemaDisplayName"): public_schema = self.schemas['public'] public_schema.annotations.update({ tag.display: {'name': 'User Info'} }) self.configure_baseline_ermrest_client(apply=False) self.configure_baseline_ermrest_group(apply=False) # Create WWW schema if stob(kwargs.get("includeWWWSchema", True)): www_name = kwargs.get("wwwSchemaName", "WWW") if www_name not in self.schemas: self.create_schema(Schema.define_www(www_name)) # Configure baseline annotations self.annotations.update({ # Set up catalog-wide name style tag.display: {'name_style': {'underline_space': True}}, # Set up default chaise config tag.chaise_config: { "headTitle": kwargs.get("headTitle", "DERIVA"), "navbarBrandText": kwargs.get("navbarBrandText", "DERIVA"), "navbarMenu": { "newTab": False, "children": [ { "name": s.annotations.get(tag.display, {}).get('name','_', ' ')), "children": [ { "name": t.annotations.get(tag.display, {}).get('name','_', ' ')), "url": f'/chaise/recordset/#{self.catalog.catalog_id}/{urlquote(}:{urlquote(}' } for t in s.tables.values() if not t.is_association() ] } for s in self.schemas.values() ] }, "systemColumnsDisplayCompact": ["RID"], "systemColumnsDisplayEntry": ["RID"] } }) if apply: # Apply model changes self.apply()
[docs]def strip_nochange(d): return { k: v for k, v in d.items() if v is not nochange }
[docs]class Schema (object): """Named schema. """ def __init__(self, model, sname, schema_doc): self.model = model = sname self.acls = AttrDict(schema_doc.get('acls', {})) self.annotations = dict(schema_doc.get('annotations', {})) self.comment = schema_doc.get('comment') self._fkeys = {} self.tables = { tname: Table(self, tname, tdoc) for tname, tdoc in schema_doc.get('tables', {}).items() } @property def catalog(self): return self.model.catalog @property def uri_path(self): """URI to this model resource.""" return "/schema/%s" % urlquote(
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, sname, comment=None, acls={}, annotations={}): """Build a schema definition. """ return { "schema_name": sname, "acls": acls, "annotations": annotations, "comment": comment, }
[docs] @classmethod def define_www(cls, sname, comment=None, acls={}, annotations={}): """Build a schema definition for wiki-like web content. Defines a schema with a "Page" wiki-like page table definition and a "File" asset table definition for attachments to the wiki pages. :param sname: schema name :param comment: a comment string for the table :param acls: a dictionary of ACLs for specific access modes :param annotations: a dictionary of annotations """ www_schema = Schema.define( sname, comment=comment if comment is not None else "Schema for tables that will be displayed as web content", acls=acls, annotations=annotations ) www_schema["tables"] = { "Page": Table.define_page("Page"), "File": Table.define_asset( sname, "File", column_defs=[ Column.define("Page", builtin_types.text, nullok=False, comment="Parent page of this asset") ], fkey_defs=[ ForeignKey.define(["Page"], sname, "Page", ["RID"]) ] ) } return www_schema
[docs] def prejson(self, prune=True): """Produce native Python representation of schema, suitable for JSON serialization.""" return { "schema_name":, "acls": self.acls, "annotations": self.annotations, "comment": self.comment, "tables": { tname: table.prejson() for tname, table in self.tables.items() } }
[docs] def clear(self, clear_comment=False, clear_annotations=True, clear_acls=True, clear_acl_bindings=True): """Clear all configuration in schema and children. NOTE: as a backwards-compatible heuristic, comments are retained by default so that a typical configuration-management client does not strip useful documentation from existing models. """ if clear_annotations: self.annotations.clear() if clear_acls: self.acls.clear() if clear_comment: self.comment = None for table in self.tables.values(): table.clear(clear_comment=clear_comment, clear_annotations=clear_annotations, clear_acls=clear_acls, clear_acl_bindings=clear_acl_bindings)
[docs] def apply(self, existing=None): """Apply configuration to corresponding schema in catalog unless existing already matches. :param existing: An instance comparable to self, or None to apply configuration unconditionally. The state of self.comment, self.annotations, and self.acls will be applied to the server unless they match their corresponding state in existing. """ changes = {} if existing is None or not equivalent(self.comment, existing.comment): changes['comment'] = self.comment if existing is None or not equivalent(self.annotations, existing.annotations): changes['annotations'] = self.annotations if existing is None or not equivalent(self.acls, existing.acls, method='acls'): changes['acls'] = self.acls if changes: # use alter method to reduce number of web requests self.alter(**changes) for tname, table in self.tables.items(): table.apply(existing.tables[tname] if existing else None)
[docs] def alter(self, schema_name=nochange, comment=nochange, acls=nochange, annotations=nochange): """Alter existing schema definition. :param schema_name: Replacement schema name (default nochange) :param comment: Replacement comment (default nochange) :param acls: Replacement ACL configuration (default nochange) :param annotations: Replacement annotations (default nochange) Returns self (to allow for optional chained access). """ changes = strip_nochange({ 'schema_name': schema_name, 'comment': comment, 'acls': acls, 'annotations': annotations, }) r = self.catalog.put(self.uri_path, json=changes) r.raise_for_status() changed = r.json() # use changed vs changes to get server-digested values if 'schema_name' in changes: del self.model.schemas[] = changed['schema_name'] self.model.schemas[] = self if 'comment' in changes: self.comment = changed['comment'] if 'acls' in changes: self.acls.clear() self.acls.update(changed['acls']) if 'annotations' in changes: self.annotations.clear() self.annotations.update(changed['annotations']) return self
[docs] def create_table(self, table_def): """Add a new table to this schema in the remote database based on table_def. Returns a new Table instance based on the server-supplied representation of the newly created table. The returned Table is also added to self.tables. """ tname = table_def['table_name'] if tname in self.tables: raise ValueError('Table %s already exists.' % tname) r = '%s/table' % self.uri_path, json=table_def, ) r.raise_for_status() newtable = Table(self, tname, r.json()) self.tables[tname] = newtable self.model.digest_fkeys() return newtable
[docs] def drop(self): """Remove this schema from the remote database. """ if not in self.model.schemas: raise ValueError('Schema %s does not appear to belong to model.' % (self,)) self.catalog.delete(self.uri_path).raise_for_status() del self.model.schemas[] for table in self.tables.values(): for fkey in table.foreign_keys: fkey._cleanup()
@object_annotation(tag.display) def display(self): pass @object_annotation(tag.column_defaults) def column_defaults(self): pass @presence_annotation(tag.immutable) def immutable(self): pass @presence_annotation(tag.generated) def generated(self): pass @presence_annotation(tag.non_deletable) def non_deletable(self): pass @object_annotation(tag.export_2019) def export_2019(self): pass @object_annotation(tag.export_fragment_definitions) def export_fragment_definitions(self): pass
[docs]class KeyedList (list): """Keyed list.""" def __init__(self, l): list.__init__(self, l) self.elements = { e for e in l } def __getitem__(self, idx): """Get element by key or by list index or slice.""" if isinstance(idx, (int, slice)): return list.__getitem__(self, idx) else: return self.elements[idx] def __delitem__(self, idx): """Delete element by key or by list index or slice.""" if isinstance(idx, int): victim = list.__getitem__(self, idx) list.__delitem__(self, idx) del self.elements[] elif isinstance(idx, slice): victims = [list.__getitem__(self, idx)] list.__delslice__(self, idx) for victim in victims: del self.elements[] else: victim = self.elements[idx] list.__delitem__(self, self.index(victim)) del self.elements[]
[docs] def append(self, e): """Append element to list and record its key.""" if in self.elements: raise ValueError('Element name %s already exists.' % (,)) list.append(self, e) self.elements[] = e
[docs]class Table (object): """Named table. """ def __init__(self, schema, tname, table_doc): self.schema = schema = tname self.acls = AttrDict(table_doc.get('acls', {})) self.acl_bindings = AttrDict(table_doc.get('acl_bindings', {})) self.annotations = dict(table_doc.get('annotations', {})) self.comment = table_doc.get('comment') self.kind = table_doc.get('kind') self.column_definitions = KeyedList([ Column(self, cdoc) for cdoc in table_doc.get('column_definitions', []) ]) self.keys = KeyedList([ Key(self, kdoc) for kdoc in table_doc.get('keys', []) ]) self.foreign_keys = KeyedList([ ForeignKey(self, fkdoc) for fkdoc in table_doc.get('foreign_keys', []) ]) self.referenced_by = KeyedList([]) @property def columns(self): """Sugared access to self.column_definitions""" return self.column_definitions @property def catalog(self): return self.schema.model.catalog @property def uri_path(self): """URI to this model element.""" return "%s/table/%s" % (self.schema.uri_path, urlquote(
[docs] @classmethod def system_column_defs(cls, custom=[]): """Build standard system column definitions, merging optional custom definitions.""" return [ Column.define(cname, builtin_types[ctype], nullok, annotations=annotations) for cname, ctype, nullok, annotations in [ ('RID', 'ermrest_rid', False, {tag.display: {'name': 'Record ID'}}), ('RCT', 'ermrest_rct', False, {tag.display: {'name': 'Creation Time'}}), ('RMT', 'ermrest_rmt', False, {tag.display: {'name': 'Modified Time'}}), ('RCB', 'ermrest_rcb', True, {tag.display: {'name': 'Created By'}}), ('RMB', 'ermrest_rmb', True, {tag.display: {'name': 'Modified By'}}), ] if cname not in { c['name']: c for c in custom } ] + custom
[docs] @classmethod def system_key_defs(cls, custom=[]): """Build standard system key definitions, merging optional custom definitions.""" def ktup(k): return tuple(k['unique_columns']) return [ kdef for kdef in [ Key.define(['RID']) ] if ktup(kdef) not in { ktup(kdef): kdef for kdef in custom } ] + custom
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, tname, column_defs=[], key_defs=[], fkey_defs=[], comment=None, acls={}, acl_bindings={}, annotations={}, provide_system=True): """Build a table definition. :param tname: the name of the newly defined table :param column_defs: a list of Column.define() results for extra or overridden column definitions :param key_defs: a list of Key.define() results for extra or overridden key constraint definitions :param fkey_defs: a list of ForeignKey.define() results for foreign key definitions :param comment: a comment string for the table :param acls: a dictionary of ACLs for specific access modes :param acl_bindings: a dictionary of dynamic ACL bindings :param annotations: a dictionary of annotations :param provide_system: whether to inject standard system column definitions when missing from column_defs """ if provide_system: column_defs = cls.system_column_defs(column_defs) key_defs = cls.system_key_defs(key_defs) return { 'table_name': tname, 'column_definitions': column_defs, 'keys': key_defs, 'foreign_keys': fkey_defs, 'comment': comment, 'acls': acls, 'acl_bindings': acl_bindings, 'annotations': annotations, }
[docs] @classmethod def define_vocabulary(cls, tname, curie_template, uri_template='/id/{RID}', column_defs=[], key_defs=[], fkey_defs=[], comment=None, acls={}, acl_bindings={}, annotations={}, provide_system=True): """Build a vocabulary table definition. :param tname: the name of the newly defined table :param curie_template: the RID-based template for the CURIE of locally-defined terms, e.g. 'MYPROJECT:{RID}' :param uri_template: the RID-based template for the URI of locally-defined terms, e.g. '{RID}' :param column_defs: a list of Column.define() results for extra or overridden column definitions :param key_defs: a list of Key.define() results for extra or overridden key constraint definitions :param fkey_defs: a list of ForeignKey.define() results for foreign key definitions :param comment: a comment string for the table :param acls: a dictionary of ACLs for specific access modes :param acl_bindings: a dictionary of dynamic ACL bindings :param annotations: a dictionary of annotations :param provide_system: whether to inject standard system column definitions when missing from column_defs These core vocabulary columns are generated automatically if absent from the input column_defs. - ID: ermrest_curie, unique not null, default curie template "%s:{RID}" % curie_prefix - URI: ermrest_uri, unique not null, default URI template "/id/{RID}" - Name: text, unique not null - Description: markdown, not null - Synonyms: text[] However, caller-supplied definitions override the default. """ if not re.match("^[A-Za-z][-_A-Za-z0-9]*:[{]RID[}]$", curie_template): raise ValueError("The curie_template '%s' is invalid." % curie_template) if not re.match("^[-_.~?%#=&!*()@:;/+$A-Za-z0-9]+[{]RID[}][-_.~?%#=&!*()@:;/+$A-Za-z0-9]*$", uri_template): raise ValueError("The uri_template '%s' is invalid." % uri_template) def add_vocab_columns(custom): return [ col_def for col_def in [ Column.define( 'ID', builtin_types['ermrest_curie'], nullok=False, default=curie_template, comment='The preferred Compact URI (CURIE) for this term.' ), Column.define( 'URI', builtin_types['ermrest_uri'], nullok=False, default=uri_template, comment='The preferred URI for this term.' ), Column.define( 'Name', builtin_types['text'], nullok=False, comment='The preferred human-readable name for this term.' ), Column.define( 'Description', builtin_types['markdown'], nullok=False, comment='A longer human-readable description of this term.' ), Column.define( 'Synonyms', builtin_types['text[]'], comment='Alternate human-readable names for this term.' ), ] if col_def['name'] not in { c['name']: c for c in custom } ] + custom def add_vocab_keys(custom): def ktup(k): return tuple(k['unique_columns']) return [ key_def for key_def in [ Key.define(['ID']), Key.define(['URI']), ] if ktup(key_def) not in { ktup(kdef): kdef for kdef in custom } ] + custom return cls.define( tname, add_vocab_columns(column_defs), add_vocab_keys(key_defs), fkey_defs, comment, acls, acl_bindings, annotations, provide_system )
[docs] @classmethod def define_asset(cls, sname, tname, hatrac_template=None, column_defs=[], key_defs=[], fkey_defs=[], comment=None, acls={}, acl_bindings={}, annotations={}, provide_system=True): """Build an asset table definition. :param sname: the name of the schema for the asset table :param tname: the name of the newly defined table :param hatrac_template: template for the hatrac URL. Will undergo substitution to template can include elmenents such at {{{MD5}}} or {{{Filename}}}. The default template puts files in /hatrac/schema_name/table_name/md5.filename where the filename and md5 value is computed on upload and the schema_name and table_name are the values of the provided arguments. If value is set to False, no hatrac_template is used. :param column_defs: a list of Column.define() results for extra or overridden column definitions :param key_defs: a list of Key.define() results for extra or overridden key constraint definitions :param fkey_defs: a list of ForeignKey.define() results for foreign key definitions :param comment: a comment string for the table :param acls: a dictionary of ACLs for specific access modes :param acl_bindings: a dictionary of dynamic ACL bindings :param annotations: a dictionary of annotations :param provide_system: whether to inject standard system column definitions when missing from column_defs These core asset table columns are generated automatically if absent from the input column_defs. - Filename: ermrest_curie, unique not null, default curie template "%s:{RID}" % curie_prefix - URL: Location of the asset, unique not null. Default template is: /hatrac/sname/tname/{{{MD5}}}.{{{Filename}}} where tname is the name of the asset table. - Length: Length of the asset. - MD5: text - Description: markdown, not null However, caller-supplied definitions override the default. In addition to creating the columns, this function also creates an asset annotation on the URL column to facilitate use of the table by Chaise. """ if hatrac_template is None: hatrac_template = '/hatrac/{{$}}/%s/%s/{{{MD5}}}.{{#encode}}{{{Filename}}}{{/encode}}' % (sname, tname) def add_asset_columns(custom): asset_annotation = { tag.asset: { 'filename_column': 'Filename', 'byte_count_column': 'Length', 'md5': 'MD5', } } if hatrac_template: asset_annotation[tag.asset]['url_pattern'] = hatrac_template return [ col_def for col_def in [ Column.define( 'URL', builtin_types['text'], nullok=False, annotations=asset_annotation, comment='URL to the asset', ), Column.define('Filename', builtin_types['text'], comment='Filename of the asset that was uploaded'), Column.define('Description', builtin_types['markdown'], comment='Description of the asset'), Column.define('Length', builtin_types['int8'], nullok=False, comment='Asset length (bytes)'), Column.define('MD5', builtin_types['text'], nullok=False, comment='Asset content MD5 checksum'), ] if col_def['name'] not in {c['name']: c for c in custom} ] + custom def add_asset_keys(custom): def ktup(k): return tuple(k['unique_columns']) return [ key_def for key_def in [ Key.define(['URL']), ] if ktup(key_def) not in {ktup(kdef): kdef for kdef in custom} ] + custom def add_asset_annotations(custom): asset_annotations = { tag.table_display: { 'row_name': { 'row_markdown_pattern': '{{{Filename}}}' } } } asset_annotations.update(custom) return asset_annotations return cls.define( tname, add_asset_columns(column_defs), add_asset_keys(key_defs), fkey_defs, comment if comment is not None else 'Asset table.', acls, acl_bindings, add_asset_annotations(annotations), provide_system )
[docs] @classmethod def define_page(cls, tname, column_defs=[], key_defs=[], fkey_defs=[], comment=None, acls={}, acl_bindings={}, annotations={}, provide_system=True): """Build a wiki-like "page" table definition. :param tname: the name of the newly defined table :param column_defs: a list of Column.define() results for extra or overridden column definitions :param key_defs: a list of Key.define() results for extra or overridden key constraint definitions :param fkey_defs: a list of ForeignKey.define() results for foreign key definitions :param comment: a comment string for the table :param acls: a dictionary of ACLs for specific access modes :param acl_bindings: a dictionary of dynamic ACL bindings :param annotations: a dictionary of annotations :param provide_system: whether to inject standard system column definitions when missing from column_defs These core page columns are generated automatically if absent from the input column_defs. - Title: text, unique not null - Content: markdown However, caller-supplied definitions override the default. """ def add_page_columns(custom): return [ col_def for col_def in [ Column.define( 'Title', builtin_types['text'], nullok=False, comment='Unique title for the page.' ), Column.define( 'Content', builtin_types['markdown'], nullok=True, comment='Content of the page in markdown.' ), ] if col_def['name'] not in { c['name']: c for c in custom } ] + custom def add_page_keys(custom): def ktup(k): return tuple(k['unique_columns']) return [ key_def for key_def in [ Key.define(['Title']) ] if ktup(key_def) not in { ktup(kdef): kdef for kdef in custom } ] + custom def add_page_annotations(custom): page_annotations = { tag.table_display: { 'row_name': { 'row_markdown_pattern': '{{{Title}}}' }, 'detailed': { 'hide_column_headers': True, 'collapse_toc_panel': True } }, tag.visible_columns: { 'compact': ['Title'], 'detailed': ['Content'], 'entry': ['Title', 'Content'], 'filter': {'and': []} } } page_annotations.update(annotations) return page_annotations return cls.define( tname, add_page_columns(column_defs), add_page_keys(key_defs), fkey_defs, comment, acls, acl_bindings, add_page_annotations(annotations), provide_system )
[docs] def prejson(self, prune=True): return { "schema_name":, "table_name":, "acls": self.acls, "acl_bindings": self.acl_bindings, "annotations": self.annotations, "comment": self.comment, "column_definitions": [ c.prejson() for c in self.column_definitions ], "keys": [ key.prejson() for key in self.keys ], "foreign_keys": [ fkey.prejson() for fkey in self.foreign_keys ] }
[docs] def clear(self, clear_comment=False, clear_annotations=True, clear_acls=True, clear_acl_bindings=True): """Clear all configuration in table and children. NOTE: as a backwards-compatible heuristic, comments are retained by default so that a typical configuration-management client does not strip useful documentation from existing models. """ if clear_acls: self.acls.clear() if clear_acl_bindings: self.acl_bindings.clear() if clear_annotations: self.annotations.clear() if clear_comment: self.comment = None for col in self.column_definitions: col.clear(clear_comment=clear_comment, clear_annotations=clear_annotations, clear_acls=clear_acls, clear_acl_bindings=clear_acl_bindings) for key in self.keys: key.clear(clear_comment=clear_comment, clear_annotations=clear_annotations) for fkey in self.foreign_keys: fkey.clear(clear_comment=clear_comment, clear_annotations=clear_annotations, clear_acls=clear_acls, clear_acl_bindings=clear_acl_bindings)
[docs] def apply(self, existing=None): """Apply configuration to corresponding table in catalog unless existing already matches. :param existing: An instance comparable to self, or None to apply configuration unconditionally. The state of self.comment, self.annotations, self.acls, and self.acl_bindings will be applied to the server unless they match their corresponding state in existing. """ changes = {} if existing is None or not equivalent(self.comment, existing.comment): changes['comment'] = self.comment if existing is None or not equivalent(self.annotations, existing.annotations): changes['annotations'] = self.annotations if existing is None or not equivalent(self.acls, existing.acls, method='acls'): changes['acls'] = self.acls if existing is None or not equivalent(self.acl_bindings, existing.acl_bindings, method='acl_bindings'): changes['acl_bindings'] = self.acl_bindings if changes: # use alter method to reduce number of web requests self.alter(**changes) for col in self.column_definitions: col.apply(existing.column_definitions[] if existing else None) for key in self.keys: key.apply(existing.keys[key.name_in_model(existing.schema.model)] if existing else None) for fkey in self.foreign_keys: fkey.apply(existing.foreign_keys[fkey.name_in_model(existing.schema.model)] if existing else None)
[docs] def alter( self, schema_name=nochange, table_name=nochange, comment=nochange, acls=nochange, acl_bindings=nochange, annotations=nochange ): """Alter existing schema definition. :param schema_name: Destination schema name (default nochange) :param table_name: Replacement table name (default nochange) :param comment: Replacement comment (default nochange) :param acls: Replacement ACL configuration (default nochange) :param acl_bindings: Replacement ACL bindings (default nochange) :param annotations: Replacement annotations (default nochange) A change of schema name is a transfer of the existing table to an existing destination schema (not a rename of the current containing schema). Returns self (to allow for optional chained access). """ changes = strip_nochange({ 'schema_name': schema_name, 'table_name': table_name, 'comment': comment, 'acls': acls, 'acl_bindings': acl_bindings, 'annotations': annotations, }) r = self.catalog.put(self.uri_path, json=changes) r.raise_for_status() changed = r.json() # use changed vs changes to get server-digested values if 'table_name' in changes: del self.schema.tables[] = changed['table_name'] self.schema.tables[] = self if 'schema_name' in changes: del self.schema.tables[] self.schema = self.schema.model.schemas[changed['schema_name']] for fkey in self.foreign_keys: if fkey.constraint_schema: del fkey.constraint_schema._fkeys[fkey.constraint_name] fkey.constraint_schema = self.schema fkey.constraint_schema._fkeys[fkey.constraint_name] = fkey self.schema.tables[] = self if 'comment' in changes: self.comment = changed['comment'] if 'acls' in changes: self.acls.clear() self.acls.update(changed['acls']) if 'acls_bindings' in changes: self.acl_bindings.clear() self.acl_bindings.update(changed['acls']) if 'annotations' in changes: self.annotations.clear() self.annotations.update(changed['annotations']) return self
def _own_column(self, column): if isinstance(column, Column): if self.column_definitions[] is column: return column raise ValueError('column %s object is not from this table object' % (column,)) elif column in self.column_definitions.elements: return self.column_definitions[column] raise ValueError('value %s does not name a defined column in this table' % (column,)) def _create_table_part(self, subapi, registerfunc, constructor, doc): r = '%s/%s' % (self.uri_path, subapi), json=doc, ) r.raise_for_status() created = r.json() if isinstance(created, list): # handle fkey case where POST returns a list assert len(created) == 1 created = created[0] return registerfunc(constructor(self, created))
[docs] def create_column(self, column_def): """Add a new column to this table in the remote database based on column_def. Returns a new Column instance based on the server-supplied representation of the new column, and adds it to self.column_definitions too. """ cname = column_def['name'] if cname in self.column_definitions.elements: raise ValueError('Column %s already exists.' % cname) def add_column(col): self.column_definitions.append(col) return col return self._create_table_part('column', add_column, Column, column_def)
[docs] def create_key(self, key_def): """Add a new key to this table in the remote database based on key_def. Returns a new Key instance based on the server-supplied representation of the new key, and adds it to self.keys too. """ def add_key(key): self.keys.append(key) return key return self._create_table_part('key', add_key, Key, key_def)
[docs] def create_fkey(self, fkey_def): """Add a new foreign key to this table in the remote database based on fkey_def. Returns a new ForeignKey instance based on the server-supplied representation of the new foreign key, and adds it to self.fkeys too. """ def add_fkey(fkey): self.foreign_keys.append(fkey) fkey.digest_referenced_columns(self.schema.model) return fkey return self._create_table_part('foreignkey', add_fkey, ForeignKey, fkey_def)
[docs] def drop(self): """Remove this table from the remote database. """ if not in self.schema.tables: raise ValueError('Table %s does not appear to belong to schema %s.' % (self, self.schema)) self.catalog.delete(self.uri_path).raise_for_status() del self.schema.tables[] for fkey in self.foreign_keys: fkey._cleanup()
[docs] def key_by_columns(self, unique_columns, raise_nomatch=True): """Return key from self.keys with matching unique columns. unique_columns: iterable of column instances or column names raise_nomatch: for True, raise KeyError on non-match, else return None """ cset = { self._own_column(c) for c in unique_columns } for key in self.keys: if cset == { c for c in key.unique_columns }: return key if raise_nomatch: raise KeyError(cset)
[docs] def fkeys_by_columns(self, from_columns, partial=False, raise_nomatch=True): """Iterable of fkeys from self.foreign_keys with matching columns. from_columns: iterable of referencing column instances or column names partial: include fkeys which cover a superset of from_columns raise_nomatch: for True, raise KeyError on empty iterable """ cset = { self._own_column(c) for c in from_columns } if not cset: raise ValueError('from_columns must be non-empty') to_table = None for fkey in self.foreign_keys: fkey_cset = set(fkey.foreign_key_columns) if cset == fkey_cset or partial and cset.issubset(fkey_cset): raise_nomatch = False yield fkey if raise_nomatch: raise KeyError(cset)
[docs] def fkey_by_column_map(self, from_to_map, raise_nomatch=True): """Return fkey from self.foreign_keys with matching {referencing: referenced} column mapping. from_to_map: dict-like mapping with items() method yielding (from_col, to_col) pairs raise_nomatch: for True, raise KeyError on non-match, else return None """ colmap = { self._own_column(from_col): to_col for from_col, to_col in from_to_map.items() } if not colmap: raise ValueError('column mapping must be non-empty') to_table = None for c in colmap.values(): if to_table is None: to_table = c.table elif to_table is not c.table: raise ValueError('to-columns must all be part of same table') for fkey in self.foreign_keys: if colmap == fkey.column_map: return fkey if raise_nomatch: raise KeyError(from_to_map)
[docs] def is_association(self, min_arity=2, max_arity=2, unqualified=True, pure=True, no_overlap=True): """Return (truthy) integer arity if self is a matching association, else False. min_arity: minimum number of associated fkeys (default 2) max_arity: maximum number of associated fkeys (default 2) or None unqualified: reject qualified associations when True (default True) pure: reject impure assocations when True (default True) no_overlap: reject overlapping associations when True (default True) The default behavior with no arguments is to test for pure, unqualified, non-overlapping, binary assocations. An association is comprised of several foreign keys which are covered by a non-nullable composite row key. This allows specific combinations of foreign keys to appear at most once. The arity of an association is the number of foreign keys being associated. A typical binary association has arity=2. An unqualified association contains *only* the foreign key material in its row key. Conversely, a qualified association mixes in other material which means that a specific combination of foreign keys may repeat with different qualifiers. A pure association contains *only* row key material. Conversely, an impure association includes additional metadata columns not covered by the row key. Unlike qualifiers, impure metadata merely decorates an association without augmenting its identifying characteristics. A non-overlapping association does not share any columns between multiple foreign keys. This means that all combinations of foreign keys are possible. Conversely, an overlapping association shares some columns between multiple foreign keys, potentially limiting the combinations which can be represented in an association row. These tests ignore the five ERMrest system columns and any corresponding constraints. """ if min_arity < 2: raise ValueError('An assocation cannot have arity < 2') if max_arity is not None and max_arity < min_arity: raise ValueError('max_arity cannot be less than min_arity') # TODO: revisit whether there are any other cases we might # care about where system columns are involved? non_sys_cols = { col for col in self.column_definitions if not in {'RID', 'RCT', 'RMT', 'RCB', 'RMB'} } non_sys_key_colsets = { frozenset(key.unique_columns) for key in self.keys if set(key.unique_columns).issubset(non_sys_cols) and len(key.unique_columns) > 1 } if not non_sys_key_colsets: # reject: not association return False # choose longest compound key (arbitrary choice with ties!) row_key = sorted(non_sys_key_colsets, key=lambda s: len(s), reverse=True)[0] covered_fkeys = { fkey for fkey in self.foreign_keys if set(fkey.foreign_key_columns).issubset(row_key) } covered_fkey_cols = set() if len(covered_fkeys) < min_arity: # reject: not enough fkeys in association return False elif max_arity is not None and len(covered_fkeys) > max_arity: # reject: too many fkeys in association return False for fkey in covered_fkeys: fkcols = set(fkey.foreign_key_columns) if no_overlap and fkcols.intersection(covered_fkey_cols): # reject: overlapping fkeys in association return False covered_fkey_cols.update(fkcols) if unqualified and row_key.difference(covered_fkey_cols): # reject: qualified association return False if pure and non_sys_cols.difference(row_key): # reject: impure association return False # return (truthy) arity return len(covered_fkeys)
@presence_annotation(tag.immutable) def immutable(self): pass @presence_annotation(tag.generated) def generated(self): pass @presence_annotation(tag.non_deletable) def non_deletable(self): pass @object_annotation(tag.display) def display(self): pass @object_annotation(tag.table_alternatives) def alternatives(self): pass @object_annotation(tag.table_display) def table_display(self): pass @object_annotation(tag.visible_columns) def visible_columns(self): pass @object_annotation(tag.visible_foreign_keys) def visible_foreign_keys(self): pass @object_annotation(tag.export_2019) def export_2019(self): pass @object_annotation(tag.export_fragment_definitions) def export_fragment_definitions(self): pass @object_annotation(tag.citation) def citation(self): pass @object_annotation(tag.source_definitions) def source_definitions(self): pass @object_annotation(tag.indexing_preferences) def indexing_preferences(self): pass @object_annotation(tag.google_dataset) def google_dataset(self): pass @object_annotation(tag.column_defaults) def column_defaults(self): pass @object_annotation(tag.viz_3d_display) def viz_3d_display(self): pass
[docs]class Column (object): """Named column. """ def __init__(self, table, column_doc): self.table = table = column_doc['name'] self.acls = AttrDict(column_doc.get('acls', {})) self.acl_bindings = AttrDict(column_doc.get('acl_bindings', {})) self.annotations = dict(column_doc.get('annotations', {})) self.comment = column_doc.get('comment') self.type = make_type(column_doc['type']) self.nullok = bool(column_doc.get('nullok', True)) self.default = column_doc.get('default') self.comment = column_doc.get('comment') @property def catalog(self): return self.table.schema.model.catalog @property def uri_path(self): """URI to this model resource.""" return "%s/column/%s" % (self.table.uri_path, urlquote(
[docs] def prejson_colref(self): return { "schema_name":, "table_name":, "column_name":, }
[docs] def prejson(self, prune=True): """Produce a representation of configuration as generic Python data structures""" return { "name":, "acls": self.acls, "acl_bindings": self.acl_bindings, "annotations": self.annotations, "comment": self.comment, "type": self.type.prejson(prune), "nullok": self.nullok, "default": self.default, }
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, cname, ctype, nullok=True, default=None, comment=None, acls={}, acl_bindings={}, annotations={}): """Build a column definition.""" if not isinstance(ctype, Type): raise TypeError('Ctype %s should be an instance of Type.' % ctype) if not isinstance(nullok, bool): raise TypeError('Nullok %s should be an instance of bool.' % nullok) return { 'name': cname, 'type': ctype.prejson(), 'nullok': nullok, 'default': default, 'comment': comment, 'acls': acls, 'acl_bindings': acl_bindings, 'annotations': annotations, }
[docs] def clear(self, clear_comment=False, clear_annotations=True, clear_acls=True, clear_acl_bindings=True): """Clear all configuration in column NOTE: as a backwards-compatible heuristic, comments are retained by default so that a typical configuration-management client does not strip useful documentation from existing models. """ if clear_acls: self.acls.clear() if clear_acl_bindings: self.acl_bindings.clear() if clear_annotations: self.annotations.clear() if clear_comment: self.comment = None
[docs] def apply(self, existing=None): """Apply configuration to corresponding column in catalog unless existing already matches. :param existing: An instance comparable to self, or None to apply configuration unconditionally. The state of self.comment, self.annotations, self.acls, and self.acl_bindings will be applied to the server unless they match their corresponding state in existing. """ changes = {} if existing is None or not equivalent(self.comment, existing.comment): changes['comment'] = self.comment if existing is None or not equivalent(self.annotations, existing.annotations): changes['annotations'] = self.annotations if existing is None or not equivalent(self.acls, existing.acls, method='acls'): changes['acls'] = self.acls if existing is None or not equivalent(self.acl_bindings, existing.acl_bindings, method='acl_bindings'): changes['acl_bindings'] = self.acl_bindings if changes: # use alter method to reduce number of web requests self.alter(**changes)
[docs] def alter( self, name=nochange, type=nochange, nullok=nochange, default=nochange, comment=nochange, acls=nochange, acl_bindings=nochange, annotations=nochange ): """Alter existing schema definition. :param name: Replacement column name (default nochange) :param type: Replacement Type instance (default nochange) :param nullok: Replacement nullok value (default nochange) :param default: Replacement default value (default nochange) :param comment: Replacement comment (default nochange) :param acls: Replacement ACL configuration (default nochange) :param acl_bindings: Replacement ACL bindings (default nochange) :param annotations: Replacement annotations (default nochange) Returns self (to allow for optional chained access). """ if type is not nochange: if not isinstance(type, Type): raise TypeError('Parameter "type" %s should be an instance of Type.' % (type,)) type = type.prejson() changes = strip_nochange({ 'name': name, 'type': type, 'nullok': nullok, 'default': default, 'comment': comment, 'acls': acls, 'acl_bindings': acl_bindings, 'annotations': annotations, }) r = self.catalog.put(self.uri_path, json=changes) r.raise_for_status() changed = r.json() # use changed vs changes to get server-digested values if 'name' in changes: del self.table.column_definitions.elements[] = changed['name'] self.table.column_definitions.elements[] = self if 'type' in changes: self.type = make_type(changed['type']) if 'nullok' in changes: self.nullok = changed['nullok'] if 'default' in changes: self.default = changed['default'] if 'comment' in changes: self.comment = changed['comment'] if 'acls' in changes: self.acls.clear() self.acls.update(changed['acls']) if 'acls_bindings' in changes: self.acl_bindings.clear() self.acl_bindings.update(changed['acls']) if 'annotations' in changes: self.annotations.clear() self.annotations.update(changed['annotations']) return self
[docs] def drop(self): """Remove this column from the remote database. """ if not in self.table.column_definitions.elements: raise ValueError('Column %s does not appear to belong to table %s.' % (self, self.table)) self.catalog.delete(self.uri_path).raise_for_status() del self.table.column_definitions[]
@presence_annotation(tag.immutable) def immutable(self): pass @presence_annotation(tag.generated) def generated(self): pass @presence_annotation(tag.required) def required(self): pass @object_annotation(tag.display) def display(self): pass @object_annotation(tag.asset) def asset(self): pass @object_annotation(tag.column_display) def column_display(self): pass
def _constraint_name_parts(constraint, doc): # modern systems should have 0 or 1 names here names = doc.get('names', [])[0:1] if not names: raise ValueError('Unexpected constraint without any name.') if names[0][0] == '': constraint_schema = None elif names[0][0] == constraint_schema = constraint.table.schema else: raise ValueError('Unexpected schema name in constraint %s' % (names[0],)) constraint_name = names[0][1] return (constraint_schema, constraint_name)
[docs]class Key (object): """Named key. """ def __init__(self, table, key_doc): self.table = table self.annotations = dict(key_doc.get('annotations', {})) self.comment = key_doc.get('comment') try: self.constraint_schema, self.constraint_name = _constraint_name_parts(self, key_doc) except ValueError: self.constraint_schema, self.constraint_name = None, str(hash(self)) self.unique_columns = KeyedList([ table.column_definitions[cname] for cname in key_doc['unique_columns'] ]) @property def columns(self): """Sugared access to self.unique_columns""" return self.unique_columns @property def catalog(self): return self.table.schema.model.catalog @property def uri_path(self): """URI to this model resource.""" return '%s/key/%s' % ( self.table.uri_path, ','.join([ urlquote( for c in self.unique_columns ]) ) @property def name(self): """Constraint name (schemaobj, name_str) used in API dictionaries.""" return (self.constraint_schema, self.constraint_name)
[docs] def name_in_model(self, model): """Constraint name (schemaobj, name_str) used in API dictionaries fetching schema from model. While works as a key within the same model tree, self.name_in_model(dstmodel) works in dstmodel tree by finding the equivalent schemaobj in that model via schema name lookup. """ return ( model.schemas[] if self.constraint_schema else None, self.constraint_name )
@property def names(self): """Constraint names field as seen in JSON document.""" return [ [ if self.constraint_schema else '', self.constraint_name] ]
[docs] def prejson(self, prune=True): """Produce a representation of configuration as generic Python data structures""" return { 'annotations': self.annotations, 'comment': self.comment, 'unique_columns': [ for c in self.unique_columns ], 'names': self.names, }
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, colnames, constraint_names=[], comment=None, annotations={}): """Build a key definition.""" if not isinstance(colnames, list): raise TypeError('Colnames should be a list.') return { 'unique_columns': list(colnames), 'names': constraint_names, 'comment': comment, 'annotations': annotations, }
[docs] def clear(self, clear_comment=False, clear_annotations=True): """Clear all configuration in key NOTE: as a backwards-compatible heuristic, comments are retained by default so that a typical configuration-management client does not strip useful documentation from existing models. """ if clear_annotations: self.annotations.clear() if clear_comment: self.comment = None
[docs] def apply(self, existing=None): """Apply configuration to corresponding key in catalog unless existing already matches. :param existing: An instance comparable to self, or None to apply configuration unconditionally. The state of self.comment and self.annotations will be applied to the server unless they match their corresponding state in existing. """ changes = {} if existing is None or not equivalent(self.comment, existing.comment): changes['comment'] = self.comment if existing is None or not equivalent(self.annotations, existing.annotations): changes['annotations'] = self.annotations if changes: # use alter method to reduce number of web requests self.alter(**changes)
[docs] def alter( self, constraint_name=nochange, comment=nochange, annotations=nochange ): """Alter existing schema definition. :param constraint_name: Unqualified constraint name string :param comment: Replacement comment (default nochange) :param annotations: Replacement annotations (default nochange) Returns self (to allow for optional chained access). """ changes = strip_nochange({ 'comment': comment, 'annotations': annotations, }) if constraint_name is not nochange: changes['names'] = [[ if self.constraint_schema else '', constraint_name ]] r = self.catalog.put(self.uri_path, json=changes) r.raise_for_status() changed = r.json() # use changed vs changes to get server-digested values if 'names' in changes: self.constraint_name = changed['names'][0][1] if 'comment' in changes: self.comment = changed['comment'] if 'annotations' in changes: self.annotations.clear() self.annotations.update(changed['annotations']) return self
[docs] def drop(self): """Remove this key from the remote database. """ if not in self.table.keys.elements: raise ValueError('Key %s does not appear to belong to table %s.' % (self, self.table)) self.catalog.delete(self.uri_path).raise_for_status() del self.table.keys[]
[docs]class ForeignKey (object): """Named foreign key. """ def __init__(self, table, fkey_doc): self.table = table self.pk_table = None self.acls = AttrDict(fkey_doc.get('acls', {})) self.acl_bindings = AttrDict(fkey_doc.get('acl_bindings', {})) self.annotations = dict(fkey_doc.get('annotations', {})) self.comment = fkey_doc.get('comment') self.on_delete = fkey_doc.get('on_delete') self.on_update = fkey_doc.get('on_update') try: self.constraint_schema, self.constraint_name = _constraint_name_parts(self, fkey_doc) except ValueError: self.constraint_schema, self.constraint_name = None, str(hash(self)) if self.constraint_schema: self.constraint_schema._fkeys[self.constraint_name] = self else: self.table.schema.model._pseudo_fkeys[self.constraint_name] = self self.foreign_key_columns = KeyedList([ table.column_definitions[coldoc['column_name']] for coldoc in fkey_doc['foreign_key_columns'] ]) self._referenced_columns_doc = fkey_doc['referenced_columns'] self.referenced_columns = None
[docs] def digest_referenced_columns(self, model): """Finish construction deferred until model is known with all tables.""" if self.referenced_columns is None: pk_sname = self._referenced_columns_doc[0]['schema_name'] pk_tname = self._referenced_columns_doc[0]['table_name'] self.pk_table = model.schemas[pk_sname].tables[pk_tname] self.referenced_columns = KeyedList([ self.pk_table.column_definitions[coldoc['column_name']] for coldoc in self._referenced_columns_doc ]) self._referenced_columns_doc = None self.pk_table.referenced_by.append(self)
@property def column_map(self): """Mapping of foreign_key_columns elements to referenced_columns elements.""" return { fk_col: pk_col for fk_col, pk_col in zip(self.foreign_key_columns, self.referenced_columns) } @property def columns(self): """Sugared access to self.column_definitions""" return self.foreign_key_columns @property def catalog(self): return self.table.schema.model.catalog @property def uri_path(self): """URI to this model resource.""" return '%s/foreignkey/%s/reference/%s:%s/%s' % ( self.table.uri_path, ','.join([ urlquote( for c in self.foreign_key_columns ]), urlquote(, urlquote(, ','.join([ urlquote( for c in self.referenced_columns ]), ) @property def name(self): """Constraint name (schemaobj, name_str) used in API dictionaries.""" return (self.constraint_schema, self.constraint_name)
[docs] def name_in_model(self, model): """Constraint name (schemaobj, name_str) used in API dictionaries fetching schema from model. While works as a key within the same model tree, self.name_in_model(dstmodel) works in dstmodel tree by finding the equivalent schemaobj in that model via schema name lookup. """ return ( model.schemas[] if self.constraint_schema else None, self.constraint_name )
@property def names(self): """Constraint names field as seen in JSON document.""" return [ [ if self.constraint_schema else '', self.constraint_name] ]
[docs] def prejson(self, prune=True): """Produce a representation of configuration as generic Python data structures""" return { 'acls': self.acls, 'acl_bindings': self.acl_bindings, 'annotations': self.annotations, 'comment': self.comment, 'foreign_key_columns': [ c.prejson_colref() for c in self.foreign_key_columns ], 'referenced_columns': [ c.prejson_colref() for c in self.referenced_columns ], 'names': self.names, 'on_delete': self.on_delete, 'on_update': self.on_update, }
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, fk_colnames, pk_sname, pk_tname, pk_colnames, on_update='NO ACTION', on_delete='NO ACTION', constraint_names=[], comment=None, acls={}, acl_bindings={}, annotations={}): if len(fk_colnames) != len(pk_colnames): raise ValueError('The fk_colnames and pk_colnames lists must have the same length.') return { 'foreign_key_columns': [ { 'column_name': fk_colname } for fk_colname in fk_colnames ], 'referenced_columns': [ { 'schema_name': pk_sname, 'table_name': pk_tname, 'column_name': pk_colname, } for pk_colname in pk_colnames ], 'on_update': on_update, 'on_delete': on_delete, 'names': constraint_names, 'comment': comment, 'acls': acls, 'acl_bindings': acl_bindings, 'annotations': annotations, }
[docs] def clear(self, clear_comment=False, clear_annotations=True, clear_acls=True, clear_acl_bindings=True): """Clear all configuration in foreign key NOTE: as a backwards-compatible heuristic, comments are retained by default so that a typical configuration-management client does not strip useful documentation from existing models. """ if clear_acls: self.acls.clear() self.acls.update({"insert": ["*"], "update": ["*"]}) if clear_acl_bindings: self.acl_bindings.clear() if clear_annotations: self.annotations.clear() if clear_comment: self.comment = None
[docs] def apply(self, existing=None): """Apply configuration to corresponding foreign key in catalog unless existing already matches. :param existing: An instance comparable to self, or None to apply configuration unconditionally. The state of self.comment, self.annotations, self.acls, and self.acl_bindings will be applied to the server unless they match their corresponding state in existing. """ changes = {} if existing is None or not equivalent(self.comment, existing.comment): changes['comment'] = self.comment if existing is None or not equivalent(self.annotations, existing.annotations): changes['annotations'] = self.annotations if existing is None or not equivalent(self.acls, existing.acls, method='foreign_key_acls'): changes['acls'] = self.acls if existing is None or not equivalent(self.acl_bindings, existing.acl_bindings, method='acl_bindings'): changes['acl_bindings'] = self.acl_bindings if changes: # use alter method to reduce number of web requests self.alter(**changes)
[docs] def alter( self, constraint_name=nochange, on_update=nochange, on_delete=nochange, comment=nochange, acls=nochange, acl_bindings=nochange, annotations=nochange ): """Alter existing schema definition. :param constraint_name: Replacement constraint name string :param on_update: Replacement on-update action string :param on_delete: Replacement on-delete action string :param comment: Replacement comment (default nochange) :param acls: Replacement ACL configuration (default nochange) :param acl_bindings: Replacement ACL bindings (default nochange) :param annotations: Replacement annotations (default nochange) Returns self (to allow for optional chained access). """ changes = strip_nochange({ 'on_update': on_update, 'on_delete': on_delete, 'comment': comment, 'acls': acls, 'acl_bindings': acl_bindings, 'annotations': annotations, }) if constraint_name is not nochange: changes['names'] = [[ if self.constraint_schema else '', constraint_name ]] r = self.catalog.put(self.uri_path, json=changes) r.raise_for_status() changed = r.json() # use changed vs changes to get server-digested values if 'names' in changes: if self.constraint_schema: del self.constraint_schema._fkeys[self.constraint_name] else: del self.table.schema.model._pseudo_fkeys[self.constraint_name] self.constraint_name = changed['names'][0][1] if self.constraint_schema: self.constraint_schema._fkeys[self.constraint_name] = self else: self.table.schema.model._pseudo_fkeys[self.constraint_name] = self if 'on_update' in changes: self.on_update = changed['on_update'] if 'on_delete' in changes: self.on_delete = changed['on_delete'] if 'comment' in changes: self.comment = changed['comment'] if 'annotations' in changes: self.annotations.clear() self.annotations.update(changed['annotations']) if 'acls' in changes: self.acls.clear() self.acls.update(changed['acls']) if 'acls_bindings' in changes: self.acl_bindings.clear() self.acl_bindings.update(changed['acls']) return self
[docs] def drop(self): """Remove this foreign key from the remote database. """ if not in self.table.foreign_keys.elements: raise ValueError('Foreign key %s does not appear to belong to table %s.' % (self, self.table)) self.catalog.delete(self.uri_path).raise_for_status() del self.table.foreign_keys[] self._cleanup()
def _cleanup(self): """Cleanup references in the local model following drop from remote database. """ del self.pk_table.referenced_by[] if self.constraint_schema: del self.constraint_schema._fkeys[self.constraint_name] else: del self.table.schema.model._pseudo_fkeys[self.constraint_name] @object_annotation(tag.foreign_key) def foreign_key(self): pass
[docs]def make_type(type_doc): """Create instance of Type, DomainType, or ArrayType as appropriate for type_doc.""" if type_doc.get('is_domain', False): return DomainType(type_doc) elif type_doc.get('is_array', False): return ArrayType(type_doc) else: return Type(type_doc)
[docs]class Type (object): """Named type. """ def __init__(self, type_doc): self.typename = type_doc['typename'] self.is_domain = False self.is_array = False
[docs] def prejson(self, prune=True): d = { 'typename': self.typename, } return d
[docs]class DomainType (Type): """Named domain type. """ def __init__(self, type_doc): super(DomainType, self).__init__(type_doc) self.is_domain = True self.base_type = make_type(type_doc['base_type'])
[docs] def prejson(self, prune=True): d = super(DomainType, self).prejson(prune) d.update({ 'is_domain': True, 'base_type': self.base_type.prejson(prune) }) return d
[docs]class ArrayType (Type): """Named domain type. """ def __init__(self, type_doc): super(ArrayType, self).__init__(type_doc) is_array = True self.base_type = make_type(type_doc['base_type'])
[docs] def prejson(self, prune=True): d = super(ArrayType, self).prejson(prune) d.update({ 'is_array': True, 'base_type': self.base_type.prejson(prune) }) return d
builtin_types = AttrDict( # first define standard scalar types { typename: Type({'typename': typename}) for typename in { 'date', 'float4', 'float8', 'json', 'jsonb', 'int2', 'int4', 'int8', 'text', 'timestamptz', 'timestamp', 'boolean' } } ) builtin_types.update( # define some typical array types { '%s[]' % typename: ArrayType({ 'typename': '%s[]' % typename, 'is_array': True, 'base_type': typedoc.prejson() }) for typename, typedoc in builtin_types.items() } ) builtin_types.update( # define standard domain types { domain: DomainType({ 'typename': domain, 'is_domain': True, 'base_type': builtin_types[basetypename].prejson(), }) for domain, basetypename in { 'ermrest_rid': 'text', 'ermrest_rcb': 'text', 'ermrest_rmb': 'text', 'ermrest_rct': 'timestamptz', 'ermrest_rmt': 'timestamptz', 'markdown': 'text', 'longtext': 'text', 'ermrest_curie': 'text', 'ermrest_uri': 'text', 'color_rgb_hex': 'text', }.items() } ) builtin_types.update( # define standard serial types which don't have array types { typename: Type({'typename': typename}) for typename in [ 'serial2', 'serial4', 'serial8' ] } )