import re
from deriva.core import BaseCLI
import platform
[docs]class ConfigUtil:
[docs] @classmethod
def find_toplevel_node(cls, catalog_config, schema_name, table_name):
if table_name is not None and schema_name is None:
raise ValueError("table specified without a schema")
if schema_name is None:
return catalog_config
schema = catalog_config.schemas.get(schema_name)
if schema is None:
raise (ValueError("no schema named {s} found.".format(s=schema_name)))
if table_name is None:
return schema
table = schema.tables.get(table_name)
if table is None:
raise (ValueError("no table named {t} in schema {s}".format(s=schema_name, t=table_name)))
return table
[docs]class BaseSpec(dict):
ATTRIBUTE_TYPES = ["schema", "table", "column", "foreign_key"]
def __init__(self, specdict, speclist, spectype, validate_node_types_only=False):
self.specdict = specdict
self.speclist = speclist
self.spectype = spectype
self.node_types = ["schema", "table", "column", "foreign_key", "foreign_key_schema"]
if not validate_node_types_only:
# self.validate_node_types() # FIXME: this causes an error for catalog annotations which do not have any of attributes listed in self.node_types
[docs] def get_pattern(self, base):
return self.get(self.make_pat_name(base))
[docs] def is_exact_spec(self):
for n in self.node_types:
if self.get_pattern(n) is not None:
return False
return True
[docs] def validate(self):
for k in self.specdict.keys():
valid = False
for n in self.node_types:
if k == n or k == self.make_pat_name(n):
valid = True
if k in self.speclist:
valid = True
if not valid:
raise ValueError("unknown key '{key}' in {t} spec".format(key=k, t=self.spectype))
return True
[docs] def has_node_key(self, key):
return key in self.specdict or self.make_pat_name(key) in self.specdict
[docs] def is_node_spec(self):
for key in self.node_types:
if key in self.specdict or self.make_pat_name(key) in self.specdict:
return True
return False
[docs] def validate_node_types(self):
if not self.is_node_spec():
raise ValueError("Unknown node type {s}".format(s=str(self.specdict)))
if not self.has_node_key('schema'):
raise ValueError("No schema entry or pattern in spec {s}".format(s=str(self.specdict)))
if not self.has_node_key('table'):
if self.has_node_key('column') or self.has_node_key('foreign_key'):
raise ValueError("No table entry or pattern in spec {s}".format(s=str(self.specdict)))
if self.has_node_key('foreign_key'):
if not self.has_node_key('foreign_key_schema'):
raise ValueError("foreign_key spec missing foreign_key_schema: {s}".format(s=str(self.specdict)))
[docs] def set_keys(self):
for k in self.specdict.keys():
self[k] = self.specdict[k]
for n in self.node_types:
if self.get_pattern(n) is not None:
if self.get(n) is not None:
raise ValueError(
"can't have both '{n}' and '{p}' in the same spec".format(n=n, p=self.make_pat_name(n)))
self[self.make_pat_name(n)] = re.compile(self.get_pattern(n))
[docs] @classmethod
def make_pat_name(cls, base):
return base + '_pattern'
[docs] def matches(self, base, value, exact=False, key=None):
if key is not None and not self.get(u'uri') == key:
return False
if self.get(base) is not None and value == self.get(base):
return True
if exact:
return False
pat = self.get_pattern(base)
return pat is not None and pat.match(value) is not None
[docs] def schema_entry_matches(self, schema_name, exact=False, key=None):
return self.matches('schema', schema_name, exact=exact, key=key)
[docs] def foreign_key_entry_matches(self, table_schema_name, table_name, fkey_schema_name, fkey_name, exact=False,
return self.table_entry_matches(table_schema_name, table_name, exact=exact, key=key) and self.matches(
"foreign_key_schema", fkey_schema_name, exact=exact, key=key) and self.matches("foreign_key", fkey_name,
exact=exact, key=key)
[docs] def table_entry_matches(self, schema_name, table_name, exact=False, key=None):
return self.schema_entry_matches(schema_name, exact=exact, key=key) and self.matches("table", table_name,
exact=exact, key=key)
[docs] def column_entry_matches(self, schema_name, table_name, column_name, exact=False, key=None):
return self.table_entry_matches(schema_name, table_name, exact=exact, key=key) and self.matches('column',
[docs]class BaseSpecList:
def __init__(self, type, dictlist=None, strict=True):
dictlist = dictlist if dictlist else []
self.type = type
self.specs = []
self.strict = strict
[docs] def get_specs(self):
return self.specs
[docs] def add_spec(self, spec):
[docs] def add_list(self, dictlist):
for d in dictlist:
if len(d) > 0:
[docs] def find_best_schema_spec(self, schema_name, key=None):
results = []
for spec in self.specs:
if spec.schema_entry_matches(schema_name, key=key):
if len(results) == 0:
return None
if len(results) == 1:
return results[0]
if len(results) > 1:
exact_match = None
for spec in results:
if spec.schema_entry_matches(schema_name, exact=True, key=key):
if exact_match is not None:
if self.strict:
raise ValueError(
"More than one exact-match spec for schema {s}, key {k}".format(s=schema_name,
print("WARNING: More than one exact-match spec for schema {s}, key {k}, skipping".format(
s=schema_name, k=str(key)))
exact_match = spec
if exact_match is None:
if self.strict:
raise ValueError(
"More than one regexp match and no exact-match spec for schema {s}, key {k}".format(
s=schema_name, k=str(key)))
"WARNING: More than one regexp match and no exact-match spec for schema {s}, key {k},"
" skipping".format(s=schema_name, k=str(key)))
return exact_match
[docs] def find_catalog_spec(self, key):
results = []
for spec in self.specs:
if spec.get("uri") == key:
return spec
[docs] def find_best_foreign_key_spec(self, table_schema_name, table_name, names, key=None):
exact_specs = []
pattern_specs = []
for n in names:
new = self.find_best_foreign_key_name_spec(table_schema_name, table_name, n[0], n[1], key)
if new is not None:
if new.is_exact_spec():
if len(exact_specs) == 1:
return exact_specs[0]
elif len(exact_specs) == 0:
if len(pattern_specs) == 1:
return pattern_specs[0]
elif len(pattern_specs) == 0:
return None
if self.strict:
raise ValueError(
"No exact-match and more than one pattern-match foreign key specification for foreign key with"
" names {n} on table {ts}.{t} : {s}".format(
n=str(names), t=table_name, ts=table_schema_name, s=str(list(pattern_specs))))
"WARNING: No exact-match and more than one pattern-match foreign key specification for foreign"
" key with names {n} on table {ts}.{t} : {s}, skipping".format(
n=str(names), t=table_name, ts=table_schema_name, s=str(list(pattern_specs))))
if self.strict:
raise ValueError(
"More than one exact-match foreign key specification for foreign key with names {n} on table"
" {ts}.{t} : {s}".format(
n=str(names), t=table_name, ts=table_schema_name, s=str(list(exact_specs))))
"WARNING: More than one exact-match foreign key specification for foreign key with names "
"{n} on table {ts}.{t} : {s}, skipping".format(
n=str(names), t=table_name, ts=table_schema_name, s=str(list(exact_specs))))
[docs] def find_best_foreign_key_name_spec(self, table_schema_name, table_name, fkey_schema_name, fkey_name, key):
results = []
for spec in self.specs:
if spec.foreign_key_entry_matches(table_schema_name, table_name, fkey_schema_name, fkey_name, key=key):
if len(results) == 0:
return None
if len(results) == 1:
return results[0]
if len(results) > 1:
result = None
for spec in results:
if spec.foreign_key_entry_matches(table_schema_name, table_name, fkey_schema_name, fkey_name,
exact=True, key=key):
if result is not None:
if self.strict:
raise ValueError(
"More than one exact-match entry for foreign key {fs}.{f} on table {s}.{t}: {r}".format(
s=table_schema_name, t=table_name, fs=fkey_schema_name, f=fkey_name,
"WARNING: More than one exact-match entry for foreign key {fs}.{f} on table "
"{s}.{t}: {r}, skipping".format(
s=table_schema_name, t=table_name, fs=fkey_schema_name, f=fkey_name,
result = spec
if result is None:
if self.strict:
raise ValueError(
"More than one matching entry for foreign key {fs}.{f} on table {s}.{t} but no exact match: "
s=table_schema_name, t=table_name, fs=fkey_schema_name, f=fkey_name, r=str(results)))
"WARNING: More than one matching entry for foreign key {fs}.{f} on table {s}.{t} but no exact "
"match: {r}, skipping".format(
s=table_schema_name, t=table_name, fs=fkey_schema_name, f=fkey_name, r=str(results)))
return result
[docs] def find_best_table_spec(self, schema_name, table_name, key=None):
results = []
for spec in self.specs:
if spec.table_entry_matches(schema_name, table_name, key=key):
if len(results) == 0:
return None
if len(results) == 1:
return results[0]
if len(results) > 1:
result = None
for spec in results:
if spec.table_entry_matches(schema_name, table_name, exact=True, key=key):
if result is not None:
if self.strict:
raise ValueError(
"More than one exact-match entry for table {s}.{t}".format(s=schema_name, t=table_name))
print("WARNING: More than one exact-match entry for table {s}.{t}, skipping".format(
s=schema_name, t=table_name))
result = spec
if result is not None:
return result
for spec in results:
if spec.schema_entry_matches(schema_name, exact=True, key=key):
if result is not None:
if self.strict:
raise ValueError(
"More than one exact-schema and no exact-table acl entry for {s}.{t}".format(
s=schema_name, t=table_name))
"WARNING: More than one exact-schema and no exact-table acl entry for {s}.{t},"
" skipping".format(
s=schema_name, t=table_name))
result = spec
return result
[docs] def find_best_single_foreign_key_spec(self, schema_name, table_name, fkey_name, key=None):
results = []
for spec in self.specs:
if spec.foreign_key_entry_matches(schema_name, table_name, fkey_name, key=key):
if len(results) == 0:
return None
if len(results) == 1:
return results[0]
if len(results) > 1:
result = None
for spec in results:
if spec.is_exact_spec():
if result is not None:
if self.strict:
raise ValueError(
"More than one exact-match entry for foreign key {s}.{f}".format(s=schema_name,
"WARNING: More than one exact-match entry for foreign key {s}.{f}".format(s=schema_name,
result = spec
if result is not None:
return result
for spec in results:
if spec.schema_entry_matches(schema_name, exact=True, key=key):
if result is not None:
if self.strict:
raise ValueError(
"More than one exact-schema and no exact-fkey entry for {s}.{f}, skipping".format(
s=schema_name, f=fkey_name))
"WARNING: More than one exact-schema and no exact-fkey entry for {s}.{f},"
" skipping".format(
s=schema_name, f=fkey_name))
result = spec
return result
[docs] def find_best_column_spec(self, schema_name, table_name, column_name, key=None):
results = []
for spec in self.specs:
if spec.column_entry_matches(schema_name, table_name, column_name, key=key):
# print("column_entry_matches: {s}".format(s=str(spec)))
if len(results) == 0:
return None
if len(results) == 1:
return results[0]
if len(results) > 1:
result = None
for spec in results:
if spec.is_exact_spec():
if result is not None:
if self.strict:
raise ValueError(
"More than one exact-match acl entry for column {s}.{t}.{c}, key {k}".format(
s=schema_name, t=table_name, c=column_name, k=str(key)))
"WARNING: More than one exact-match acl entry for column {s}.{t}.{c},"
" key {k}, skipping".format(
s=schema_name, t=table_name, c=column_name, k=str(key)))
result = spec
if result is not None:
return result
for spec in results:
if spec.table_entry_matches(schema_name, table_name, exact=True, key=key):
if result is not None:
if self.strict:
raise ValueError(
"More than one exact-schema/exact-table and no exact-column acl entry for column "
"{s}.{t}.{c}, key {k}".format(
s=schema_name, t=table_name, c=column_name, k=str(key)))
"WARNING: More than one exact-schema/exact-table and no exact-column acl entry for "
"column {s}.{t}.{c}, key {k}, skipping".format(
s=schema_name, t=table_name, c=column_name, k=str(key)))
result = spec
return result
[docs]class ConfigBaseCLI(BaseCLI):
def __init__(self, description, epilog, version):
BaseCLI.__init__(self, description, epilog, version)
self.parser.add_argument('--config-file', metavar='<file>', help="Path to a configuration file.", required=True)
self.parser.add_argument('-s', '--schema', help="schema name", default=None, action='append')
self.parser.add_argument('-t', '--table', help="table name", default=None, action='append')
self.parser.add_argument('-n', '--dryrun', help="dryrun", action="store_true")
self.parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help="verbose", action="store_true")
self.parser.add_argument('catalog', help="catalog ID", type=str)
[docs] @classmethod
def check_schema_table_args(cls, args):
# Allowed combinations:
# - multiple schemas, no tables
# - 1 schema, 1 table
# - no schemas, no tables
if args.table is not None:
if len(args.table) > 1:
raise ValueError("More than one table specified")
if args.schema is None or len(args.schema) != 1:
raise ValueError("Table specified without exactly one schema")
[docs] @classmethod
def get_schema_arg_list(cls, args):
if args.schema is None:
return [None]
return args.schema
[docs] @classmethod
def get_table_arg(cls, args):
if args.table is None:
return None
return args.table[0]