# Custom CSS Styling Tips The default styling for specific elements can be altered by adding a custom css file to the deployment folder. This folder path then must be added as the value for the `customCSS` in config option for [chaise-config.js](chaise-config.md). For example: ```javascript var chaiseConfig = { name: 'Sample', customCSS: '/assets/css/chaise.css' } ``` Custom style classes with modified styling attributes can be added in `chaise.css`. Make sure to use same class names and hierarchy as described below to avoid any discrepancy. ## Table of Contents - [Changing chaise styles](#changing-chaise-styles) - [Body](#body) - [Navbar](#navbar) - [Page-sepecific](#page-sepecific) - [Inline comments](#inline-comments) - [Character replacement](#character-replacement) - [Examples](#examples) - [Custom Markdown Styles](#custom-markdown-styles) - [Bootstrap styles](#bootstrap-styles) ## Changing chaise styles The following is how the HTML of main Chaise apps look like: ```html ... ...
... ...
``` In the following we will go over the identifiers that can be used to target different parts of the page in order to customize their styles. ### Body The following are classes added to the `body` element: - `.chaise-body`: added to all Chaise apps. - `.chaise-mac`: This class can be used to apply any custom styling specific to the Mac OS irrespective of the browser type e.g., change table column spacing on Mac OS. - `.chaise-firefox`: This class can be used to apply any custom styling specific to the Firefox browser irrespective of the operating system. e.g., change table column spacing in Firefox browser. ### Navbar Navbar related classes: - `navbar`: identifies the navbar that is displayed on top of every app. - `.chaise-navbar-banner-container`: identifies the navbar banners. - Please refer to [navbar app documentation](navbar-app.md#how-to-customize-navbar-ui) for more information. ### Page-sepecific - `#recordset`: identifies (scopes) the HTML used ONLY for the Recordset page. - `#record`: identifies (scopes) the HTML used ONLY for the Record page. - `#recordedit`: identifies (scopes) the HTML used ONLY for the Recordedit page. - `.recordset-container`: identifies the Recordset component container - This would be applied to all popups in Record and Recordedit pages as well. - Doesn't apply to the tables displayed for related entities in Record page. - `.record-main-section-table`: identifies the main section of the Record page. - Should be specified when CSS rules are to be applied to only the main section of the Record page (and not related section). - Can be used to scope CSS rules to the inline related tables - `.related-section-container`: identifies the related tables container - Should be specified when CSS rules are to be applied to only the related tables portion of the Record page. - Can be used to scope CSS rules to the related tables not in the main body. - `.r_s_` and `.r_t_`: - Identifies the Record page for the particular table or schema. - `.rs_s_` and `.rs_t_`: - Identifies the Recordset page for the particular table or schema. - `.re_s_` and `.re_t_`: - Identifies the Recordedit page for the particular table or schema. - `.s_` and `.t_`: - Identifies the Record table component, for applying styling to the whole table (``) DOM element. - Schema class should be specified when scoping CSS rules to all tables in that schema. - Use schema in conjunction with table class to identify a unique table to apply styling to. - Table class should be specified when scoping CSS rules to all tables with that name - NOTE: currently will apply cross schemas if multiple tables with the same name exist in different schemas - `.c_`: - identifies the table heading, for applying styling to an individual table heading (`
`) DOM element - column class should be specified when scoping CSS rules to all columns with that name - use in conjunction with schema class and table class to be more specific as to what table headings to apply styling to - More often than not, you will want to apply styling for each of the columns rather than at the table level, so the `.c_` identifier should almost always be included in the selector. ### Inline comments The following are the selectors for the inline comments: - `.inline-tooltip`: The wrapper for the comments that are displayed inline. - `.inline-tooltip.inline-tooltip-sm`: Used for column-level inline comments - `.recordedit-container .inline-comment-row`: Recordedit columns - `.inline-tooltip.inline-tooltip-lg`: Table-level inline comments (Recordset page title, Record inline and related entities) Common custom rules that you might want to define for inline comments: 1. Change the default font-size ```css .inline-tooltip.inline-tooltip-sm { font-size: 10px !important; /* default is 13px */ } .inline-tooltip.inline-tooltip-lg { font-size: 20px !important; /* default is 16px */ } ``` 2. Changing the color, font-size, or font-style of the inline comments in recordedit: ```css .recordedit-container .inline-comment-row .inline-tooltip { /* changing the color */ color: #333 !important; /* changing its size */ font-size: 14px !important; /* making it italic: */ font-style: italic !important; } ``` ## Character replacement In the previous section, we showed that in some cases we're using schema, table, or column names in the identifiers. In HTML, both class names and id attributes: - Must begin with a letter A-Z or a-z - Can be followed by: letters (A-Za-z), digits (0-9), hyphens ("-"), and underscores ("\_") That's why we're going to transform the schema, table, or column names before using them in the identifiers. THe following is how the transformation works: - Any unsafe characters will be replaced with a "-". - If the name contains multiple unsafe characters in a row, all will be replaced by 1 single "-". For example, if your column name is `text (name)`, chaise will rewrite this as `text-name-` and then will use `c_text-name-` as the class name. ## Examples 1. Hide everything except the result table in recordset: ```css .rs_s_schema.rs_t_table .top-left-panel, .rs_s_schema.rs_t_table .side-panel-resizable, .rs_s_schema.rs_t_table .recordset-controls-container { display: none; } .rs_s_schema.rs_t_table .top-right-panel, .rs_s_schema.rs_t_table .main-container { padding-left: 20px !important; } ``` 2. Hide navbar in recordedit: ```css .re_s_schema.re_t_table navbar { display: none; } ``` 3. Increase the width of a column in tabular displays: ```css .s_schema.t_table .c_column { min-width: 200px; } ``` NOTE: The `min-width` property will almost always be honored. If content is shorter than the `min-width`, there will be whitespace after the content. If the content is longer than the `min-width`, the width will be at minimum the value set for `min-width` and get wider to accomodate the content. This may be affected by having many columns with each having a `min-width` property set. NOTE: The `max-width` property will also almost always be honored. If the content is shorter than the `max-width` value, then it will shrink down to fit the content. If the content itself has to show on one line and is longer than the `max-width` value, the `max-width` will be ignored. 4. Change the color of the Related Table section header to chaise blue from #747474 ```css #record .chaise-accordions .accordion-button { background: #4674A7; } ``` NOTE: Depending on the color that the header is changed to, the text color and buttons might need to be modified as well. - Change the color of 1 sepcific Related Table header: ```css #record .chaise-accordions #rt-heading-header_name .accordion-button { background: #4674A7; } ``` NOTE: This uses an `id` selector (`#`) that relies on the `id` attribute of the `.chaise-accordion` element. The id is always in the form of `rt-heading-` + the related table heading text (which includes special characters). For example, since `Authors *` in PDB has a superscript `*` for the related table heading in the `Entry` table, the `id` is being set to `rt-heading-Authors-sup-sup-`. - To change the text color to black from default (white): ```css #record .chaise-accordions .accordion-button { color: black; } ``` - To change the buttons (by default, the styles are for chaise-btn-secondary): ```css #record .chaise-accordions .chaise-accordion-header-buttons .related-table-actions .chaise-btn { color: black; background-color: #ffffff; border: 1px solid #4674a7; } ``` NOTE: `color` refers to text color. `background-color` refers to the background. `border` is the "width", "style", and "color". ### More specific examples (using RBK [.../#2/Gene_Expression:Specimen](https://dev.rebuildingakidney.org/chaise/recordset/#2/Gene_Expression:Specimen)) ```css #recordset .s_Gene_Expression.t_Specimen .c_Images { min-width: 210px; } ``` - This scopes the defined styling to the recordset application (`#recordset`) - without this, the rule would also apply to the related tables whenever they may appear in the `record` - or to the search popups in `recordedit` or `record` - This scopes it to only the `Specimen` table in the `Gene_Expression` schema (`.s_Gene_Expression.t_Specimen`) - This scopes it to only the `Images` column (`.c_Images`) - adds the styling to the table header - we are using `thead` here because the HTML column element sizing for `` relies on the properties of `thead>tr>th` before those defined for `tbody>tr>td` By relaxing the selector, we can make the rule more general: ```css .s_Gene_Expression.t_Specimen .c_Images { min-width: 210px; } ``` - this will apply the styling to the `Images` column for all `Gene_Expression:Specimen` tables in all apps - useful when the column in `s:t` needs to be styled the same in all apps ```css .t_Specimen .c_Images { min-width: 210px; } ``` - this will apply the styling to the `Images` column for all `Specimen` tables in all apps - useful when the column in `t` needs to be styled the same in all apps for all schemas that it may exist in ```css .s_Gene_Expression .c_Images { min-width: 210px; } ``` - this will apply the styling to the `Images` columns in all the tables for the `Gene_Expression` schema (if it exists) - useful when the column in `s` needs to be styled the same in all apps regardless of what table that it may exist in ```css .c_Images { min-width: 210px; } ``` - this will apply the styling to all columns with `column.name = Images` - useful if multiple Images columns are defined in many different tables in many different schemas For pseudocolumns, it's not immediately obvious what they name will be. We use a hashing function in `ermrestJS` that is based on the full path of the column. So `this/path/id=value` will become something like `hsoinel`. ## Custom Markdown Styles Markdown component applies [github](https://github.com/sindresorhus/github-markdown-css/blob/gh-pages/github-markdown.css) css for all general purpose preview and content rendering. Here are some of the examples: ```css /* Sample chaise.css */ /* header font for h3 */ .markdown-container h3 { font-size: 1.25em; } /* style for list */ .markdown-container ul, .markdown-container ol { padding-left: 2em; } .markdown-container ul ul, .markdown-container ul ol, .markdown-container ol ol, .markdown-container ol ul { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } .markdown-container li { word-wrap: break-all; } .markdown-container li>p { margin-top: 16px; } /* style for table */ .markdown-container table { border-spacing: 0; border-collapse: collapse; } .markdown-container table { display: block; width: 100%; overflow: auto; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 16px; } .markdown-container table th { font-weight: 600; } .markdown-container table th, .markdown-container table td { padding: 6px 13px; border: 1px solid #dfe2e5; } /* style for code type markdown */ .markdown-container pre code { display: inline; max-width: auto; padding: 0; margin: 0; overflow: visible; line-height: inherit; word-wrap: normal; background-color: transparent; border: 0; } ``` ## Bootstrap styles To make changes to Bootstrap styles, do not edit the bootstrap style sheet. Add your own file (usually named `custom.css`), add it to the `css` directory and link to it from your `` tag _after_ the Bootstrap style sheet (this will make sure that custom styles override the Bootstrap styles): ``` ```